You exist. You are conscious. If you are entirely material, then not so much the worse for you, but so much the better for materialism! Look what matter can do. Clearly, it’s extraordinary. Clearly, I don’t know all matter can do. Let’s call this view “enlightened materialism.” — Art48
I disagree that Consciousness can be satisfactorily explained in purely material terms. Matter can explain Facts, but not Meanings. Yet I don't think of sentient awareness as some supernatural entity like a divinely endowed Soul. Instead, "Consciousness" is the name we give to a mysterious process (function) of complex material organisms (brains). Superficially, the brain may seem like a hydraulic mechanism, but its output, its work, is the production of invisible & intangible concepts (insights, intellect, ingenuity, vision), that would be of no use to creatures with no means to make them personally meaningful. "What matter can do" is to convert ordinary physical Energy into psychic Ideas that can motivate other sentient beings toward cooperative goals ; it transforms physical Nature into metaphysical Culture --- but how?.
Therefore, Mind may be defined simplistically as "what the Brain does" (its function). But that doesn't completely explain what Mind is essentially (ontologically). The Identity Theory, that Brain = Mind, ignores a wide explanatory gap between physical actions and mental processes. Obviously neural activity is correlated with mental ideation, but a tree is not the same thing as a representation of a tree. In the 20th century, Behaviorism was a popular approach to psychology. But it reduced presumed moral agents to philosophical zombies. Hence, ordinary Materialism is missing something fundamental (mental) in the world. Some feature of the whole system that cannot be found in its isolated parts. So yes, conventional Materialism is in need of Enlightenment. We need, not an "exclusive" reduction, but a holistic inclusive induction (part to whole).
However, I don't view acquiescence to the obvious, or ignorance of essence*1 as "enlightening". For example, Isaac Newton mathematically defined what Gravity does, but was mystified by what it is*3. Gravity functions like a material connection between massive objects, except there is no actual medium, no matter, in the gap. So, Einstein re-defined Gravity mathematically as a geometric relationship, a ratio*4. And it's now mostly imagined as a Field of attractive Force. Yet again, the Field is defined mathematically instead of materially. Which leaves open the question of what Gravity is essentially.
As with Mind, the mystery of Gravity is not in its Function, but its Form. Mathematical forms, e.g. Geometry, cannot be detected by the physical senses. Instead, we know of such immaterial "stuff" only by the sixth sense of Reason, which translates physical interrelationships into mental models. And the "stuff" that our Rational (mathematical) sense detects & interprets is multivalent Information*2 in the form of Ideas & Meanings, not Matter*5.
Tegmark's far-out theory of a Mathematical Universe is merely one of many alternatives to the commonsense Material World model. Since math is merely a system of abstract ideas, sans material, you could call the whole Cosmos an Information Reality.*6 So, what is Consciousness? The ability (power ; potential ; capacity ; faculty) to see, in the mind's eye, the invisible mathematical structure of the world. That meaningful/useful faculty has only been imputed to sentient/rational observers, most (if not all) of whom have large complex material brains, producing immaterial internal mathematical models of reality.
PS___My own term for an enlightened update of ancient Materialism is Enformationism*7.
*1. Essence :
In philosophy, essence is the attribute (or set of attributes) that makes a thing be what it fundamentally is. It is often called the “nature” of a thing. . . . . In Aristotle essence was identified with substance (ousia) or sometimes substantial form.
Note --- A modern alternative to the ancient notion of Ousia (divine essence) may be the broad concept of Information, which has been found in many forms, from Ideas to Energy to Objects*2.
*2. The many forms of Information :
Consciousness only emerges at the later stages of evolution. But the universal substance of reality might be called an Information Field, analogous to a Quantum field as an immaterial pool of potential.
*3. Spooky action at a distance :
It is inconceivable that inanimate Matter should, without the Mediation of something else, which is not material, operate upon, and affect other matter without mutual Contact…That Gravity should be innate, inherent and essential to Matter, so that one body may act upon another at a distance thro' a Vacuum, without the Mediation of any thing else, by and through which their Action and Force may be conveyed from one to another, is to me so great an Absurdity that I believe no Man who has in philosophical Matters a competent Faculty of thinking can ever fall into it. Gravity must be caused by an Agent acting constantly according to certain laws; but whether this Agent be material or immaterial, I have left to the Consideration of my readers. — Isaac Newton, Letters to Bentley, 1692/3
*4. What does gravity consist of? :
To summarize, according to Einstein, gravity is the curving of spacetime by all the objects in it, combined with the "geodesic" (straight) motions of those objects through the spacetime.
Note --- Einstein's poetic metaphor of warped space may be philosophical, but not scientific. It imagines empty space as-if it is a material substance, when in fact mathematical space is the absence of matter in between objects.
*5. Information Realism : Mathematical Reality
This abstract notion, called information realism is philosophical in character, but it has been associated with physics from its very inception. Most famously, information realism is a popular philosophical underpinning for digital physics. ... y-to-mind/
*6. Information Reality :
The concrete things we perceive may be virtual reality, yet we have no choice but to act as-if it they are actually real. Although it is meta-physical, Information is not super-natural. Instead, it is the essence of Nature.
*7. Enformationism :
A philosophical worldview or belief system grounded on the 20th century discovery that Information, rather than Matter, is the fundamental substance of everything in the universe. It is intended to be the 21st century successor to ancient Materialism. An Update from Bronze Age to Information Age. It's a Theory of Everything that covers, not just matter & energy, but also Life & Mind & Love.
Plato's Socrates held that the world of Forms is transcendent to our own world (the world of substances) and also is the essential basis of reality.