TPF : Quantum Consciousness

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TPF : Quantum Consciousness

Post by Gnomon » Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:24 pm ... ent/498841
The Double-slit Experiment and Quantum Consciousness

I'm suggesting the primary hidden variable is charge distribution in the double-slit chamber — Enrique

I have no idea how "charge distribution" might work. But it could be similar to my own understanding of how quantum-scale particles can act like waves in a fluid medium. Scientists haven't been able to detect such a fluid, once called "aether". But they still can't come-up with a better alternative. Here's my own wild guess.

I'm not an expert on Quantum Physics, but the "hidden variable" that is typically assumed by experts is simply Entanglement. My own amateur analogy of particle entanglement is to imagine that individual particles are "dissolved" in a universal "fluid", like sugar in water. We can't detect the fluid directly because it's not physical, but meta-physical (i.e. mathematical relationships).

One example of such an amorphous entity is Quantum Fields, usually compared to gaseous clouds. Although the assumed components of a field are not detectable, hence "hidden", they may be defined as meta-physical mathematical points, that have no actual extension in space, hence Virtual, not Actual. In my analogy with a gas or fluid, the points or particles may also be defined by their potential "charge" of positive/negative, or up/down spin. But, until Virtual particles are actualized, the virtual charge (quantum state) can't be measured.

Anyway, since all fundamental particles are identical, it doesn't matter which "point" within the liquid goes through which slot. When the flowing fluid divides and then continues on to the target screen, it gives the appearance of isolated impacts. When in fact, they are still entangled, but at a distance. Please pardon my presumption, to pass your "charge distribution" model through my own metaphorical slits. :-B

Double-Double-Slit : momentum entangled photons :

Entanglement, in this analogy, is equivalent to immersion in a medium, so that all parts are loosely inter-connected

: a property or quality conveyed from one place to another, as a wagon carries a load,
(Late Latin carricāre “to load a wagon)

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Re: TPF : Quantum Consciousness

Post by Gnomon » Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:29 pm

In this model, holism of charge distribution within matter is the entanglement mechanism, — Enrique

Yes. I think Consciousness is a holistic phenomenon of the brain, and not found in any of its parts, such as neurons. So in my analogy, what you are calling "charge distribution" is how positive & negative values (of meaning) are arranged in the brain into meaningful patterns : akin to the double-slit experiment's "distribution" into dark & light stripes. The "entangled" (inter-related) bits add-up to bytes of meaning.

Of course, I don't know what I'm talking about, when it comes to the minute technicalities of brain science and quantum theory. I'm just comparing my personal worldview, based on Information as the fundamental element of reality, to the conundrums and paradoxes of cutting-edge science. Consequently, this analogy is missing many intermediate steps.

Information is essentially a mathematical ratio (relationship), which the human mind interprets into self-referenced meaning. Hence, entanglement of parts (of brain & body) into a whole system (the Self), is what allows Consciousness to arise. I may try to further develop that notion, inspired by your "charge distribution" and "entanglement" theory. But, I can't say exactly how "wavicles", passing through a slit , might give rise to Consciousness, except by assuming that the abstract interference patterns (distributed into stripes, dots, etc) can be somehow interpreted into personal meaning (good or bad for me). :nerd:

Information :
Knowledge and the ability to know. Technically, it's the ratio of order to disorder, of positive to negative, of knowledge to ignorance. It's measured in degrees of uncertainty. Those ratios are also called "differences". So Gregory Bateson* defined Information as "the difference that makes a difference". The latter distinction refers to "value" or "meaning". Babbage called his prototype computer a "difference engine". Difference is the cause or agent of Change. In Physics it’s called "Thermodynamics" or "Energy". In Sociology it’s called "Conflict".

A pattern is a regularity in the world, in human-made design, or in abstract ideas. As such, the elements of a pattern repeat in a predictable manner . . . . Any of the senses may directly observe patterns. Conversely, abstract patterns in science, mathematics, or language may be observable only by analysis.

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