... xagoras/p1
I am confused by his belief in materialism because it seems to contradict his notion of Logos. — Gregory
I'm not very familiar with "The Axe", but I suspect that his notion of a single creative principle in the world is closer to Plato's "Logos", than to any Theist or Polytheist god-concept; His god-model may be similar to Spinoza's Universal Substance, which was both creative and materialistic. It's also similar to my own definition of EnFormAction as the creative principle of the world. Like many philosophers, we like to have it both ways : natural laws and freewill.
Anaxagoras :
Because of his focus on this principle, Anaxagoras has been credited both with an advance towards theism, the concept of a personal creator-god involved in human affairs, and with the first steps toward atheism, or the total disbelief in god or gods. In placing nous as the beginning of creation, Anaxagorous paved the way for believing in a single creative force, God. Ironically, his philosophical concept of nous also helped lead to a rejection of all gods, for the beginning of the world and creation could now be explained in scientific terms rather than religious ones. ... agoras.pdf
EnFormAction :
“I believe in Spinoza’s god, who reveals Himself in the lawful harmony of the world, not in a god who concerns himself with the fate and the doings of mankind.” ___Einstein