Stylistically, tacking a list of links on the end of your posts without explanation doesn't work for me. Nor Qualia as properties and fields? Not following that. — Banno
Sorry you don't like my "style", but the links are intended to be the "explanation" of terminology in the post, for those who are interested in more detail. But, if that doesn't do it for you, I have lots of additional explanatory material that is too extensive for a forum post. The links also refer to other thinkers who share some of my unconventional views.
In the context of this thread, it's not important to grasp the equation of
Qualia, Properties, & Fields. But for anyone interested, I can go into excruciating detail. It's all based on my personal
Enformationism thesis, which envisions a paradigm shift in Science. Once you
grok the new perspective, those technical peripheral issues will be easier to understand.
Anyway, I didn't expect my comments to have much impact on this thread. I post these esoteric notes in order to apply my unorthodox worldview to interesting questions about the nature of reality. It's a form of intellectual exercise ---primarily for my own benefit --- not a pedagogical or evangelistic endeavor. A few readers seems to find them of interest. The others just ignore them, or disparage them.
Grok :
understand (something) intuitively or by empathy.
PS___When I referred to "Qualia as properties & fields" it was in the context of the definition of "Energy" in my previous reply to you :
What is energy made of ? : Energy is not made of anything, energy is a term used to describe a trait of matter and non-matter fields.
A "trait" is a property or quality of the thing referenced --- in this case the Vacuum or Plenum we call Space. And physicists today tend to imagine empty Space as a Potential Energy Field. Although the Space is a "non-matter" field, they treat it in their calculations
as-if it was a material Substance that can be warped and stretched. Like Space, Energy is a vacuum full of Potential. It consists only of statistical Probability. So Potential Energy is a quality or trait of empty Space, which is imagined as a mathematical Field. Does that help you to follow the gist of my comment?
As-If :
a hypothetical or imaginary concept; a metaphor
Vacuum (zero-point) Energy :