Phil Forum : Why Philosophy? off-topic

A place for discussion of ideas presented in the BothAndBlog, or relevant to the Enformationism thesis.
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Re: Phil Forum : Enformationism _ Why Philosophy off-topic

Post by Gnomon » Sat May 16, 2020 1:02 pm

basically what my book exists to illustrate, showing rather than telling — Pfhorrest

The "telling" in your first post went right over my non-academic head, as usual. Even though I'm an Architect, those multidimensional structures are very difficult for me to visualize --- too many moving parts --- and the technical terminology would require lots of Wikipedia study to understand the interrelationships. It's like trying to imagine a 12 dimensional geometrical object, with multiple faces labelled in Latin or Greek.

Have you ever tried to draw a diagram --- a "showing" --- perhaps similar to the 3D Political Spectrum diagram in the link below? I'm trying to be encouraging, but my bafflement is hard to conceal.

3D Political Spectrum : ... 70f06f2f49

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Re: Phil Forum : Enformationism _ Why Philosophy off-topic

Post by Gnomon » Sat May 16, 2020 1:03 pm

Does your system have an account of that prescriptive side of things — Pfhorrest

The "prescriptive side" of my philosophy is left to each individual to work out in their own local context. All I do is describe the BothAnd principle of Complementarity. Philosophers have written thousands of erudite words on ethics. But it's all summed-up in the Golden Rule. I am not qualified to "prescribe" morality for anyone but myself.

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Re: Phil Forum : Enformationism _ Why Philosophy off-topic

Post by Gnomon » Sat May 16, 2020 1:07 pm

the relational structure’s resemblance to an endless, oscillating field . . . . then show that what’s particularly missing from the physics here is an understanding (or even recognition) of qualia. — Possibility

That sounds similar to the way I conceive of Energy (EnFormAction), which is the potential for creating and destroying structure. For example, physicists metaphorize light energy as a spray of photons, like a machine gun. Yet, the Light we see is just a fraction of the whole spectrum of energy throughout the universe. Universal Energy is, not a material thing, but a metaphysical oscillation between max & minimum potential. Expressed in 1s and 0s, it's a creation code. That concept is hard to describe & to grasp, and is far outside my field of competence. But it's a consequence of my metaphorical understanding of what Energy and Information actually consist of : mathematical (mental) relationships.

Anyway, I imagine Energy as an alternation between Enfernity (unbounded potential -- infinite possibilities), and Nothingness (zero potential). In the graph below, positive creative potential is at the peak of the wave, and negative destructive potential is at the trough of the wave. But the neutral baseline down the center is Zero potential. As the wave oscillates, it creates space, and as it advances from peak to peak, it creates time. Thus, plenipotential metaphysical Energy (creative potential) constructs the physical space-time reality that we experience via our senses.

Ironically, the potential (power) of Energy consists of Information in the form of mathematical ratios (1/0; 1 : 2; this compared to that). "Relational structures" that can be expressed as percentages of the Whole. The best book on this topic, that I'm familiar with, is Into the Cool : Energy Flow, Thermodynamics, and Life, by Eric Schneider and Dorian Sagan. But I'm not interested so much in the physics of Energy, as in the Metaphysics : the Qualia. Even there I'm dabbling in ideas that are above my pay grade. And my understanding is still incomplete. But it gives some meaningful foundational structure to my Enformationism worldview.

Potential : the relationship (ratio) between what-is, and what-could-be; Actual and Possible.

Into the Cool
: ... 0226739376

the relational structure’s resemblance to an endless, oscillating field . . . . then show that what’s particularly missing from the physics here is an understanding (or even recognition) of qualia. — Possibility

That sounds similar to the way I conceive of Energy (EnFormAction), which is the potential for creating and destroying structure. For example, physicists metaphorize light energy as a spray of photons, like a machine gun. Yet, the Light we see is just a fraction of the whole spectrum of energy throughout the universe. Universal Energy is, not a material thing, but a metaphysical oscillation between max & minimum potential. Expressed in 1s and 0s, it's a creation code. That concept is hard to describe & to grasp, and is far outside my field of competence. But it's a consequence of my metaphorical understanding of what Energy and Information actually consist of : mathematical (mental) relationships.

Anyway, I imagine Energy as an alternation between Enfernity (unbounded potential -- infinite possibilities), and Nothingness (zero potential). In the graph below, positive creative potential is at the peak of the wave, and negative destructive potential is at the trough of the wave. But the neutral baseline down the center is Zero potential. As the wave oscillates, it creates space, and as it advances from peak to peak, it creates time. Thus, plenipotential metaphysical Energy (creative potential) constructs the physical space-time reality that we experience via our senses.

Ironically, the potential (power) of Energy consists of Information in the form of mathematical ratios (1/0; 1 : 2; this compared to that). "Relational structures" that can be expressed as percentages of the Whole. The best book on this topic, that I'm familiar with, is Into the Cool : Energy Flow, Thermodynamics, and Life, by Eric Schneider and Dorian Sagan. But I'm not interested so much in the physics of Energy, as in the Metaphysics : the Qualia. Even there I'm dabbling in ideas that are above my pay grade. And my understanding is still incomplete. But it gives some meaningful foundational structure to my Enformationism worldview.

Potential : the relationship (ratio) between what-is, and what-could-be; Actual and Possible.

Into the Cool : ... 0226739376


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