We are an illusion where anything is possible, but the laws of physics rule most of the time. God is thus ALMOST onmi-all but not quite. — CliveG
For an eternal entity, it's true that anything is possible, but only that which is temporal and physical is actual. So, for our actualized world, G*D is "dreaming" of a system with fixed laws. Any different rules would produce different worlds. From our perspective, in the world that we "imagine" to be Real, G*D is also an imaginary entity --- we don't know G*D directly, but only by inference --- that we use to explain why the world exists and persists as it does.
The afterlife is where souls go before reincarnating. — CliveG
I have no personal experience of Afterlife or Reincarnation. So I can't judge the veracity of your assertions. ---Gnomon
but have had many supernatural experiences. — CliveG
I have had no "supernatural experiences" at all. And most of what people call "supernatural" is merely a misinterpretation of mundane experiences that don't fit their expectations. The only thing I refer to as "supernatural" is G*D. And that's because a Creator is logically superior and external to the Creation.
We differ in that God appreciates worship as a form of respect — CliveG
My G*D has no physical human characteristics, such as emotions or egotism, because they are produced by the physical body. Human rulers, like Donald Trump, have inflated self-importance, that needs to be pumped-up on a regular basis. Many religious people assume that God requires regular reinforcement of praise & worship from his subjects.
Reality is often not what it may seem. — CliveG
I agree. But my experienced and imaginary reality is different from yours. It's boringly normal and natural.

I have retained skepticism of everything. — CliveG
It's easy to be skeptical of other people's beliefs, but hard to be critical of your own.
Grandiosity : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grandiosity