TPF : Hard Problem -- Consciousness
Re: TPF : Hard Problem -- Consciousness
So, in the case of an information field flanked by energy fields, we have a grouping of three energy fields, a two-plus-one with info being one type of energy and the flanks being another type of energy? — ucarr
No. All Energy Fields are also Information Fields. Its all information all the time. EnFormAction is singular and monistic. According to my thesis, it's the source of all physical fields.
It’s not a particular thing, but a transferable (hence not intrinsic or inherent) property, ability, quality, that is quantifiable only in its effects.
“In physics, energy is the quantitative property that is transferred to a body or to a physical system.”
No. All Energy Fields are also Information Fields. Its all information all the time. EnFormAction is singular and monistic. According to my thesis, it's the source of all physical fields.
It’s not a particular thing, but a transferable (hence not intrinsic or inherent) property, ability, quality, that is quantifiable only in its effects.
“In physics, energy is the quantitative property that is transferred to a body or to a physical system.”
Re: TPF : Hard Problem -- Consciousness
So, for sentients, meaning is always personal? — ucarr
Yes. What else could it be?
Is paradox a synonym for enformaction? — ucarr
No. Does "the power to enform" seem paradoxical to you?
Premise -These questions make an approach to distilling what consciousness does objectively: it resolves paradoxes. — ucarr
That may be the evolutionary adaptive function that led to conscious awareness of Self & Other, which are often at odds.
Note --- My answers are derived from my personal thesis of Enformationism. I'll have to pass on your other questions, since they are outside my limited knowledge of science and philosophy.
Yes. What else could it be?
Is paradox a synonym for enformaction? — ucarr
No. Does "the power to enform" seem paradoxical to you?
Premise -These questions make an approach to distilling what consciousness does objectively: it resolves paradoxes. — ucarr
That may be the evolutionary adaptive function that led to conscious awareness of Self & Other, which are often at odds.
Note --- My answers are derived from my personal thesis of Enformationism. I'll have to pass on your other questions, since they are outside my limited knowledge of science and philosophy.
Re: TPF : Hard Problem -- Consciousness
No. Does "the power to enform" seem paradoxical to you? — Gnomon
Yes. — ucarr
Please explain.
I thought maybe your holistic combination of substance, form and dynamics creates an environment wherein parts are simultaneously discrete and gestalt. — ucarr
Yes. Parts are also Holons.
A holon is something that is simultaneously a whole in and of itself, as well as a part of a larger whole. In this way, a holon can be considered a subsystem within a larger hierarchical system. ___Wiki
The whole landscape of evolution is a branching web of boundaries both combining and separating. — ucarr
Yes. Evolution combines old parts into new complex-integrated-systems (gestalts : holons) by drawing different boundaries and combining old elements into novel Sets. The "power to enform" is the ability to draw boundaries forming different sets of components with new properties and functions. That's also what we call "design" or "programming".
Yes. — ucarr
Please explain.
I thought maybe your holistic combination of substance, form and dynamics creates an environment wherein parts are simultaneously discrete and gestalt. — ucarr
Yes. Parts are also Holons.
A holon is something that is simultaneously a whole in and of itself, as well as a part of a larger whole. In this way, a holon can be considered a subsystem within a larger hierarchical system. ___Wiki
The whole landscape of evolution is a branching web of boundaries both combining and separating. — ucarr
Yes. Evolution combines old parts into new complex-integrated-systems (gestalts : holons) by drawing different boundaries and combining old elements into novel Sets. The "power to enform" is the ability to draw boundaries forming different sets of components with new properties and functions. That's also what we call "design" or "programming".
Re: TPF : Hard Problem -- Consciousness
I think the idea of potential is just that - an idea and not some inherent property of reality. Ideas like randomness, probability, possibility and potential are all ideas that stem from our ignorance. — Harry Hindu
Yes. Potential is not-yet Real. Science and philosophy are tools for dispelling our ignorance. Potential is a concept of immaterial Mentality.
Potential :
Unrealized or unmanifest creative power. For example the Voltage of an electric battery is its potential for future current flow measured in Amps. Potential is inert until actualized by some trigger.
Potential Innovation :
# The notion of an immaterial goal-seeking principle that motivates the behavior of both animate and inanimate entities has been entertained by thinkers through the ages. Aristotle coined the term Entelechy to represent a fundamental internal ambition to be more than it is. It explains a variety of transformations in Physics and Metaphysics, where mechanistic accounts are unknown.
# Modern Science also lapses into metaphysics with terms that imply goal-directed action. The “power” of an electric battery to cause machines to work is called “Potential”, because the actual work remains in the future. Likewise quantum fields harbor Virtual Particles that are not yet real, pending the intentional poke of a mind.
# Other technical but spooky terms for immaterial potential are Soul, Elan Vital, Will, etc. They produce seemingly ententional behavior without any overt evidence of physical energy exchange. In place of energy, we can only detect exchanges of Information.
# The dynamics of transformation and innovation are due to what I call EnFormAction : the teleological force of cosmic “Will”, imagined metaphorically as stored-up creative power as in an electric battery. That potential is released only when a circuit is completed by making a real connection between two poles.
Entelechy : the realization of potential.
Oxford Languages
Yes. Potential is not-yet Real. Science and philosophy are tools for dispelling our ignorance. Potential is a concept of immaterial Mentality.
Potential :
Unrealized or unmanifest creative power. For example the Voltage of an electric battery is its potential for future current flow measured in Amps. Potential is inert until actualized by some trigger.
Potential Innovation :
# The notion of an immaterial goal-seeking principle that motivates the behavior of both animate and inanimate entities has been entertained by thinkers through the ages. Aristotle coined the term Entelechy to represent a fundamental internal ambition to be more than it is. It explains a variety of transformations in Physics and Metaphysics, where mechanistic accounts are unknown.
# Modern Science also lapses into metaphysics with terms that imply goal-directed action. The “power” of an electric battery to cause machines to work is called “Potential”, because the actual work remains in the future. Likewise quantum fields harbor Virtual Particles that are not yet real, pending the intentional poke of a mind.
# Other technical but spooky terms for immaterial potential are Soul, Elan Vital, Will, etc. They produce seemingly ententional behavior without any overt evidence of physical energy exchange. In place of energy, we can only detect exchanges of Information.
# The dynamics of transformation and innovation are due to what I call EnFormAction : the teleological force of cosmic “Will”, imagined metaphorically as stored-up creative power as in an electric battery. That potential is released only when a circuit is completed by making a real connection between two poles.
Entelechy : the realization of potential.
Oxford Languages
Re: TPF : Hard Problem -- Consciousness
Difference of potential is rooted in the extant charge of the concentrated particles. It is real. . . .
There is a basic difference between having an idea about current flow and having a charged battery ready to deliver current flow. — ucarr
Yes. The battery poles are certainly Real. but until they are connected into a circuit, the electric current is only Potential.
Difference is a mental concept : Ideal not-yet Real.
Potential is not a real thing, but an ideal concept that points to a future state.
Difference and Potential are found only in Conscious Minds, not in the material world.
There is a basic difference between having an idea about current flow and having a charged battery ready to deliver current flow. — ucarr
Yes. The battery poles are certainly Real. but until they are connected into a circuit, the electric current is only Potential.
Difference is a mental concept : Ideal not-yet Real.
Potential is not a real thing, but an ideal concept that points to a future state.
Difference and Potential are found only in Conscious Minds, not in the material world.
Re: TPF : Hard Problem -- Consciousness
Our difference centers on whether or not a potential current embodied within a charged battery is physical whereas a potential current embodied within the mind's memory is abstract. In both cases the potential is tied to something physical: a) the charged battery and its difference of potential; b) the mind's memory and the difference of potential it represents abstractly. — ucarr
For my philosophical purposes, I'm more interested in abstract Cosmic Potential than in concrete battery potential. A physical form of cosmic potential is Energy, in all its aspects*1 . But the universe has enormous abstract potential that is not-yet-actual. One example is the hypothetical Vacuum Energy. Potential energy is just knowledge of a possible future state.
All of those potentials are not real or actual until activated by some inter-connection. Even vacuum energy, presumably everywhere all around us, must be only Potential until actualized. Otherwise, the universe would burn itself up. The only non-physical forms of energy are the abstract concepts in a mind, such as Cosmic Potential Energy*2, or the knowledge that a AA battery will not shock you (i.e. only potential), unless you complete a circuit between poles, actualizing the Potential.
*1. Types of Energy :
"There are ten types of energy: chemical energy, mechanical energy, nuclear energy, gravitational energy, light energy, radiant energy, sound energy, motion energy, thermal energy, and electrical energy. In general, the first four on the list are potential energy and the last six are considered forms of kinetic energy." ... types.html
Note --- This list doesn't mention all the various physical Forces that are probably specific forms of general energy. The ultimate source of all those applications of causation is what I would call Cosmic Potential, or in my thesis : EnFormAction.
*2. Abstract Cosmic Potential :
Similar to schopenhauer's World as Will. On the cosmic scale, it's Potential until actualized in specific instances of Causation. All generalizations are mental concepts, not material objects. Philosophy deals with generalizations. Science with specifics.
In Schopenhauer's philosophy, "will" is considered a fundamental, blind, and unconscious energy that permeates all of reality, acting as the driving force behind everything from the growth of a plant to human desires, essentially representing the core essence of existence beyond our perception of the world as a collection of objects; it is not a conscious choice but a primal, underlying force to strive and perpetuate life.
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For my philosophical purposes, I'm more interested in abstract Cosmic Potential than in concrete battery potential. A physical form of cosmic potential is Energy, in all its aspects*1 . But the universe has enormous abstract potential that is not-yet-actual. One example is the hypothetical Vacuum Energy. Potential energy is just knowledge of a possible future state.
All of those potentials are not real or actual until activated by some inter-connection. Even vacuum energy, presumably everywhere all around us, must be only Potential until actualized. Otherwise, the universe would burn itself up. The only non-physical forms of energy are the abstract concepts in a mind, such as Cosmic Potential Energy*2, or the knowledge that a AA battery will not shock you (i.e. only potential), unless you complete a circuit between poles, actualizing the Potential.
*1. Types of Energy :
"There are ten types of energy: chemical energy, mechanical energy, nuclear energy, gravitational energy, light energy, radiant energy, sound energy, motion energy, thermal energy, and electrical energy. In general, the first four on the list are potential energy and the last six are considered forms of kinetic energy." ... types.html
Note --- This list doesn't mention all the various physical Forces that are probably specific forms of general energy. The ultimate source of all those applications of causation is what I would call Cosmic Potential, or in my thesis : EnFormAction.
*2. Abstract Cosmic Potential :
Similar to schopenhauer's World as Will. On the cosmic scale, it's Potential until actualized in specific instances of Causation. All generalizations are mental concepts, not material objects. Philosophy deals with generalizations. Science with specifics.
In Schopenhauer's philosophy, "will" is considered a fundamental, blind, and unconscious energy that permeates all of reality, acting as the driving force behind everything from the growth of a plant to human desires, essentially representing the core essence of existence beyond our perception of the world as a collection of objects; it is not a conscious choice but a primal, underlying force to strive and perpetuate life.
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Re: TPF : Hard Problem -- Consciousness
How does saying that potential is not-yet-real differ from saying it doesn't exist? . . . . there is no such thing except within our minds — Harry Hindu
Potential exists only in our minds. Potential is Ideal, not Real. Potential is knowledge in a mind, not a material substance or physical force. Not-yet-real is also an idea in a mind, consisting of knowledge of a possible future state given specified conditions*1.
Some posters may think that I am talking about some spooky spiritual force when I refer to "Potential". There seems to be a lot of confusion about what Aristotle was talking about, when he made a distinction between Potential and Actual. It's discussed in detail in Aristotle's Metaphysics. Today, we refer to not-yet-real statistical possibility as Potential*2.
*1. What are actuality and potentiality? :
As used in discussions of philosophy, potential and actual refer to “what might be” and “what is.” ... ality.html
*2. Statistical potential
Statistical potentials or knowledge-based potentials are scoring functions derived from an analysis of known protein structures in the Protein Data Bank
Potential exists only in our minds. Potential is Ideal, not Real. Potential is knowledge in a mind, not a material substance or physical force. Not-yet-real is also an idea in a mind, consisting of knowledge of a possible future state given specified conditions*1.
Some posters may think that I am talking about some spooky spiritual force when I refer to "Potential". There seems to be a lot of confusion about what Aristotle was talking about, when he made a distinction between Potential and Actual. It's discussed in detail in Aristotle's Metaphysics. Today, we refer to not-yet-real statistical possibility as Potential*2.
*1. What are actuality and potentiality? :
As used in discussions of philosophy, potential and actual refer to “what might be” and “what is.” ... ality.html
*2. Statistical potential
Statistical potentials or knowledge-based potentials are scoring functions derived from an analysis of known protein structures in the Protein Data Bank
Re: TPF : Hard Problem -- Consciousness
How does saying that potential is not-yet-real differ from saying it doesn't exist? In your example, it seems that you are simply saying that potential is simply the current state of an electric battery before being connected to a system to supply it with energy. Some batteries are never connected to a system so it would be incorrect to say that they have the potential to do anything. It is our ignorance of what the future holds for the battery that makes us think of "potentials" and "possibilities" when, in a deterministic universe, there is no such thing except within our minds. — Harry Hindu
Our discussions about Consciousness have branched off into questions about "Potential" : what is it? In the quote*1 below, the postulated pre-existent "nothingness" consists of noumenal (ideal) Causal Laws*2 whose effects are what we call "real". Those pre-big-bang Laws & Energy may be what Aristotle postulated as Potential, and what Schopenhauer called WILL*3.
"In the very beginning there was a void–– a curious form of vacuum –– a nothingness containing no space, no time, no matter, no light, no sound. Yet the laws of nature were in place, and this curious vacuum held potential."
—- Leon Lederman, The God Particle
"Leon Max Lederman was an American experimental physicist who received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1988" ___Wikipedia
Note --- I just came across this quote in my Enformationism thesis, that may shed some light . . . . . or may cast a shadow. Is it Science or spooky nonsense?
*2. A causal law is a law of nature that describes the relationship between two distinct events or features of a system, with one event or feature causing the other. Causal laws are a key part of scientific theories and are often used in philosophical analyses of science.
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Note --- Regulating Laws + Working Energy = Causation
*3. "Schopenhauer's postulated noumenal world is quite different: reality in itself, independent of our sense perceptions, is a single undifferentiated entity that we can know about. He called this entity the Will. Schopenhauer's Will was something new, and very strange." ... _1788-1860
Note 1 --- Does that "strange" Cosmic Will sound like the Potential for change (including Natural Laws) that causes new things to emerge into Reality, and defines the forms they take? Is Will/Potential the source/cause of "reality itself"?
Note 2 --- In my thesis, Potential is the source of all Causation, the mother of Energy, and the origin of all Change. One of its noumenal babies is the power-to-know that we call Consciousness. Potential "exists" only as a philosophical concept, not as a physical thing or force. Only the effects (the offspring) of Potential exist in the real material world. Philosophers know of its logical necessity only via inference, not observation.
Our discussions about Consciousness have branched off into questions about "Potential" : what is it? In the quote*1 below, the postulated pre-existent "nothingness" consists of noumenal (ideal) Causal Laws*2 whose effects are what we call "real". Those pre-big-bang Laws & Energy may be what Aristotle postulated as Potential, and what Schopenhauer called WILL*3.
"In the very beginning there was a void–– a curious form of vacuum –– a nothingness containing no space, no time, no matter, no light, no sound. Yet the laws of nature were in place, and this curious vacuum held potential."
—- Leon Lederman, The God Particle
"Leon Max Lederman was an American experimental physicist who received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1988" ___Wikipedia
Note --- I just came across this quote in my Enformationism thesis, that may shed some light . . . . . or may cast a shadow. Is it Science or spooky nonsense?
*2. A causal law is a law of nature that describes the relationship between two distinct events or features of a system, with one event or feature causing the other. Causal laws are a key part of scientific theories and are often used in philosophical analyses of science.
___Google AI overview
Note --- Regulating Laws + Working Energy = Causation
*3. "Schopenhauer's postulated noumenal world is quite different: reality in itself, independent of our sense perceptions, is a single undifferentiated entity that we can know about. He called this entity the Will. Schopenhauer's Will was something new, and very strange." ... _1788-1860
Note 1 --- Does that "strange" Cosmic Will sound like the Potential for change (including Natural Laws) that causes new things to emerge into Reality, and defines the forms they take? Is Will/Potential the source/cause of "reality itself"?
Note 2 --- In my thesis, Potential is the source of all Causation, the mother of Energy, and the origin of all Change. One of its noumenal babies is the power-to-know that we call Consciousness. Potential "exists" only as a philosophical concept, not as a physical thing or force. Only the effects (the offspring) of Potential exist in the real material world. Philosophers know of its logical necessity only via inference, not observation.
Re: TPF : Hard Problem -- Consciousness
Logical proof that the hard problem of consciousness is impossible to “solve”
The whole 'hard problem' arises from regarding consciousness as an object, which it is not, while science itself is based on objective facts. It's not complicated, but it's hard to see. — Wayfarer
Presumably, Science studies reality "as-is", while Philosophy studies the world "as-if"*1. That's why scientists observe the Brain, but philosophers imagine the Mind. Consciousness is not a material object, but our Minds can picture the state or qualia or function of Knowingness*2 as-if it is an object-of-interest in a hypothetical context.
What makes the scientific study of a metaphysical concept "hard" is the tendency to analyze the Function*3 of the brain as-if it's the material product of a mechanism instead of the immaterial purpose of that system. Metaphysical disputes are "impossible to solve" analytically, they can only be resolved holistically --- by placing the parts into a universal context. Not by substance dualism, but by essence monism.
If we can't agree on the Nature*4 of the Cosmic context --- Materialism vs Idealism or Physical vs Metaphysical --- we will continue to disagree on the possibility of an emergent Mind-function. Ideas are "hard to see". Hence, factionally "impossible to solve".
*1. “As if” thinking concerns the ability to think in some imagined context other than the reality that is presented in front. ... 8390-5_5-1
Note --- As-Is thinking looks at actual things. As-If thinking looks at possible states.
"A possible world is a complete and consistent way the world is or could have been. Possible worlds are widely used as a formal device in logic, philosophy, and linguistics in order to provide a semantics for intensional and modal logic." ___Wikipedia
*2. What is another word for knowingness?
synonyms: awareness, cognisance, cognizance, consciousness.
Note --- The suffix "-ness" means "state, condition, or quality"
*3. A "function" refers to the specific purpose or role something or someone has, essentially describing what something does or is designed to do;
___Google AI overview
*4. "The nature of" is an expression that refers to the basic character or quality of something."
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"Grab your right hand with your right hand and report back." — Wayfarer
The whole 'hard problem' arises from regarding consciousness as an object, which it is not, while science itself is based on objective facts. It's not complicated, but it's hard to see. — Wayfarer
Presumably, Science studies reality "as-is", while Philosophy studies the world "as-if"*1. That's why scientists observe the Brain, but philosophers imagine the Mind. Consciousness is not a material object, but our Minds can picture the state or qualia or function of Knowingness*2 as-if it is an object-of-interest in a hypothetical context.
What makes the scientific study of a metaphysical concept "hard" is the tendency to analyze the Function*3 of the brain as-if it's the material product of a mechanism instead of the immaterial purpose of that system. Metaphysical disputes are "impossible to solve" analytically, they can only be resolved holistically --- by placing the parts into a universal context. Not by substance dualism, but by essence monism.
If we can't agree on the Nature*4 of the Cosmic context --- Materialism vs Idealism or Physical vs Metaphysical --- we will continue to disagree on the possibility of an emergent Mind-function. Ideas are "hard to see". Hence, factionally "impossible to solve".
*1. “As if” thinking concerns the ability to think in some imagined context other than the reality that is presented in front. ... 8390-5_5-1
Note --- As-Is thinking looks at actual things. As-If thinking looks at possible states.
"A possible world is a complete and consistent way the world is or could have been. Possible worlds are widely used as a formal device in logic, philosophy, and linguistics in order to provide a semantics for intensional and modal logic." ___Wikipedia
*2. What is another word for knowingness?
synonyms: awareness, cognisance, cognizance, consciousness.
Note --- The suffix "-ness" means "state, condition, or quality"
*3. A "function" refers to the specific purpose or role something or someone has, essentially describing what something does or is designed to do;
___Google AI overview
*4. "The nature of" is an expression that refers to the basic character or quality of something."
___Google AI overview
"Grab your right hand with your right hand and report back." — Wayfarer
Re: TPF : Hard Problem -- Consciousness
No, no, no. It's not nearly so complicated, there's no need for all this complicated verbiage. Science studies objects and objective facts - how big is it, where is it, how fast is it moving, how does it interact, what causes it, etc. This it does for everything from the sub-atomic to cosmic scales. But as consciousness does not appear as an object, it is not included in that analysis as a matter of principle. Let's not loose sight of the forest for the trees. — Wayfarer
Are you saying that scientists should simply leave the Mind/Body problem to impractical philosophers? I suspect that pragmatic scientists and Buddhists, with no metaphysical axe to grind, would agree with you : "shut-up and calculate"*1. Yet, metaphysical monistic Materialists also simplify the "problem" by insisting that Mind is nothing but Matter doing what comes naturally*2. So, they resolve the "problem" by telling Idealistic philosophers to butt-out.
The OP concluded that the circularity of the Science vs Philosophy battle makes the problem insoluble*3. If it's as simple as you imply, why can't we drive a stake into the heart of the Hard Problem? Maybe the eternal recurrence of this topic is due to the Materialism vs Idealism divide within philosophy. My unorthodox BothAnd philosophical worldview simplifies the problem by assuming a monistic substance (Information) that can exist as both Matter and Mind. Problem solved!
*1. The Hard Problem of Consciousness is only hard within the context of materialism. ... _not_hard/
*2. Some argue that the hard problem of consciousness is not actually hard, and that it can be solved through further analysis of the brain and behavior:
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*3. Excerpt from the OP :
"Let's first assume that the hard problem of consciousness is not the lack of scientific knowledge in that domain but the paradox it creates when thinking of consciousness as an object in the world. Any materialistic theories about it is followed by this question "why are these materialistic phenomena accompanied by experience?". And any materialistic attempt to answer that question also ends up being followed by the same question, creating a circularity that seems impossible to escape."
No, no, no. It's not nearly so complicated, there's no need for all this complicated verbiage. Science studies objects and objective facts - how big is it, where is it, how fast is it moving, how does it interact, what causes it, etc. This it does for everything from the sub-atomic to cosmic scales. But as consciousness does not appear as an object, it is not included in that analysis as a matter of principle. Let's not loose sight of the forest for the trees. — Wayfarer
Are you saying that scientists should simply leave the Mind/Body problem to impractical philosophers? I suspect that pragmatic scientists and Buddhists, with no metaphysical axe to grind, would agree with you : "shut-up and calculate"*1. Yet, metaphysical monistic Materialists also simplify the "problem" by insisting that Mind is nothing but Matter doing what comes naturally*2. So, they resolve the "problem" by telling Idealistic philosophers to butt-out.
The OP concluded that the circularity of the Science vs Philosophy battle makes the problem insoluble*3. If it's as simple as you imply, why can't we drive a stake into the heart of the Hard Problem? Maybe the eternal recurrence of this topic is due to the Materialism vs Idealism divide within philosophy. My unorthodox BothAnd philosophical worldview simplifies the problem by assuming a monistic substance (Information) that can exist as both Matter and Mind. Problem solved!
*1. The Hard Problem of Consciousness is only hard within the context of materialism. ... _not_hard/
*2. Some argue that the hard problem of consciousness is not actually hard, and that it can be solved through further analysis of the brain and behavior:
___Google AI overview
*3. Excerpt from the OP :
"Let's first assume that the hard problem of consciousness is not the lack of scientific knowledge in that domain but the paradox it creates when thinking of consciousness as an object in the world. Any materialistic theories about it is followed by this question "why are these materialistic phenomena accompanied by experience?". And any materialistic attempt to answer that question also ends up being followed by the same question, creating a circularity that seems impossible to escape."
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