What I said was, that you seem to have a problem with Holism, the ability to see both Forest and Trees. The exclusive Either/Or Reductionism of modern Science & Philosophy is directly opposed to a more inclusive BothAnd Holistic worldview.
Uncertainty is indeed a dubious feature of our world. Yet Information is the key to reducing uncertainty, by replacing ignorance with knowledge ; or mis-information with verity. So, perhaps you are simply missing some information, that might plug the holes in your understanding of the essential & universal role of Information in the physical world. Or you may have some outdated information (intuition?) that conflicts with a novel concept (Creative Energy). Random Energy alone can be destructive (Entropy ; Noise), but Non-random Energy is constructive (Organization ; Signal). Hence, EnFormAction accounts for all of the emergent novelty of heuristic Evolution.
Actually, my coined term (EFA) is not so difficult to grok, if you are able to look at both sides of the same coin at the same time. That made-up word merely refers to the common combination of Energy & Information. For example, a guided missile is not just a bomb, but a bomb with a mandated mission. The explosive side of the missile is energetic matter, visible & tangible. But the guiding side is invisible & intangible coded information on how to seek & destroy a moving target. Just as some trained hands were necessary to put together the dangerous chemicals of the dumb bomb, a trained mind was required to organize the instructions for guiding the physical chemicals to their intended target. It's the specified intention that makes the difference between the blind bombs of WWII and Ukranian drones. De nada.
How information is related with uncertainty? :
Uncertainty is viewed as a manifestation of some information deficiency, while information is viewed as the capacity to reduce uncertainty.
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf ... 75.fmatter
Introduction to Enformationism :
Like Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and the various theories of Quantum Mechanics, Enformationism is a simple, but counter-intuitive, concept that requires curiosity and motivation to reach a general understanding.
The EnFormAction Hypothesis :
EnFormAction is intended to be an evocative label for a well-known, but somewhat mysterious, feature of physics : the Emergent process of Phase Change (or state transitions) from one kind (stable form) of matter to another.