TPF : Short Theory of Consciousness
Re: TPF : Short Theory of Consciousness
I think you should do an article on "enformation" for the TPF. Just something short and basic, that facilitates a quick grasp of the idea. — Pop
I'd like to do a short simple essay. But, since the concept of Enformationism is so comprehensive of everything in the world, it's hard to know where to start. I've attempted to summarize a few of the basic notions, but I usually get off-base responses that indicate incomprehension. Since this thesis postulates a radical new paradigm, based on the sciences of Information and Quantum Theory, few people, including astute posters on this forum, will find it fits their own Classical or Mainstream worldviews.
Fortunately for me, there is a handful of scientists that have turned their careers toward understanding the cosmic implications of Information. Also, there is a think-tank in New Mexico, the Santa Fe Institute, which is "dedicated to the multidisciplinary study of the fundamental principles of complex adaptive systems ". And expanded Information Theory is at the core of Complexity & Adaptation (self-organization).
The best way to explain my thesis, may be to link posters to the Abstract of the Enformationism thesis. It skips the introduction, and goes through some of the steps that I followed in forming my personal worldview from the simple notion that "everything is Information". But the Abstract consists of 14 online pages. And few posters are interested enough to spend the time. What do you think? Is it too long for an article?
The Enformationism Hypothesis : Abstract - Research Methods - Motivation & Conception ... age11.html
Simply put, as indicated on the Welcome Page, Enformationism is a worldview grounded on the assumption that Information, rather than Matter, is the essential substance of everything in the universe. It is intended to be a successor to the 19th century paradigm of Materialism.
On the topic of all-encompassing topics, I'm just beginning to read a long, complex book written by a professional Complexity theorist, who started as a Physicist. I mention this to you, because the book addresses some of the same topics we have touched-on in this thread. For example, he devotes several pages in this 700 page tome to the notion of Self-Organization. Plus, he calls his thesis "the information-theoretic ontology". And one of his favorite neologisms is "the rhizome of reality", which is a metaphor for an interconnected root system in Biology. He says : "a rhizome is essentially messy and non-hierarchical". Which may be in accordance to your non-hierarchical notion of Self-Organization. But, I doubt that he's talking about the evolutionary natural hierarchy of kinds and species, that I said was essential to my worldview.
Information-Consciousness-Reality : How A New Understanding of the Universe Can Help
Answer Age-Old Questions of Existence ... oks&sr=1-1
I think you should do an article on "enformation" for the TPF. Just something short and basic, that facilitates a quick grasp of the idea. — Pop
I'd like to do a short simple essay. But, since the concept of Enformationism is so comprehensive of everything in the world, it's hard to know where to start. I've attempted to summarize a few of the basic notions, but I usually get off-base responses that indicate incomprehension. Since this thesis postulates a radical new paradigm, based on the sciences of Information and Quantum Theory, few people, including astute posters on this forum, will find it fits their own Classical or Mainstream worldviews.
Fortunately for me, there is a handful of scientists that have turned their careers toward understanding the cosmic implications of Information. Also, there is a think-tank in New Mexico, the Santa Fe Institute, which is "dedicated to the multidisciplinary study of the fundamental principles of complex adaptive systems ". And expanded Information Theory is at the core of Complexity & Adaptation (self-organization).
The best way to explain my thesis, may be to link posters to the Abstract of the Enformationism thesis. It skips the introduction, and goes through some of the steps that I followed in forming my personal worldview from the simple notion that "everything is Information". But the Abstract consists of 14 online pages. And few posters are interested enough to spend the time. What do you think? Is it too long for an article?
The Enformationism Hypothesis : Abstract - Research Methods - Motivation & Conception ... age11.html
Simply put, as indicated on the Welcome Page, Enformationism is a worldview grounded on the assumption that Information, rather than Matter, is the essential substance of everything in the universe. It is intended to be a successor to the 19th century paradigm of Materialism.
On the topic of all-encompassing topics, I'm just beginning to read a long, complex book written by a professional Complexity theorist, who started as a Physicist. I mention this to you, because the book addresses some of the same topics we have touched-on in this thread. For example, he devotes several pages in this 700 page tome to the notion of Self-Organization. Plus, he calls his thesis "the information-theoretic ontology". And one of his favorite neologisms is "the rhizome of reality", which is a metaphor for an interconnected root system in Biology. He says : "a rhizome is essentially messy and non-hierarchical". Which may be in accordance to your non-hierarchical notion of Self-Organization. But, I doubt that he's talking about the evolutionary natural hierarchy of kinds and species, that I said was essential to my worldview.
Information-Consciousness-Reality : How A New Understanding of the Universe Can Help
Answer Age-Old Questions of Existence ... oks&sr=1-1
Re: TPF : Short Theory of Consciousness
I think that would be too long. I was thinking perhaps a thousand words or less. It would not need to be definitive, perhaps an introductory overview? — Pop
Yes, I thought so. How about the thesis Introduction, which is only 5 pages? Unfortunately, it refers to cutting-edge scientific concepts that most posters may not be familiar with, and which will sound like nonsense, without some extensive explication. That's why I have two glossaries : one from 12 years ago, and one that I try to keep up-to-date.
Evolution of the Enformationism concept : From Form to Energy to Matter to Mind to Self. ... page4.html
"The point I’m trying to make here is that energy, matter, space, and time are all re-formulations of the same essential substance, Information.
I emphasize the term Information in order to show that Mind consists of essentially the same kind of stuff as Matter."
I wont allow myself to read other peoples interpretation, until my own is fully formed — Pop
That's strange. I read lots of other people's interpretations, even as I'm working on refining my own understanding. Anyway, the pertinent aspect of the book to this thread is the title : Information-Consciousness-Reality : How A New Understanding of the Universe Can Help
Answer Age-Old Questions of Existence. The author equates Information with Consciousness and Reality. Which is basically what my own thesis does.
Yes, I thought so. How about the thesis Introduction, which is only 5 pages? Unfortunately, it refers to cutting-edge scientific concepts that most posters may not be familiar with, and which will sound like nonsense, without some extensive explication. That's why I have two glossaries : one from 12 years ago, and one that I try to keep up-to-date.
Evolution of the Enformationism concept : From Form to Energy to Matter to Mind to Self. ... page4.html
"The point I’m trying to make here is that energy, matter, space, and time are all re-formulations of the same essential substance, Information.
I emphasize the term Information in order to show that Mind consists of essentially the same kind of stuff as Matter."
I wont allow myself to read other peoples interpretation, until my own is fully formed — Pop
That's strange. I read lots of other people's interpretations, even as I'm working on refining my own understanding. Anyway, the pertinent aspect of the book to this thread is the title : Information-Consciousness-Reality : How A New Understanding of the Universe Can Help
Answer Age-Old Questions of Existence. The author equates Information with Consciousness and Reality. Which is basically what my own thesis does.
Re: TPF : Short Theory of Consciousness
I like the new website. — Pop
Actually. that's the old website. Due to your prodding, I am currently working on an updated version of the Enformationism Introduction. It will be the next post on my blog, but I may adapt it for an article on this forum. Since the website was uploaded 12 years ago, I've learned a lot more about how Information works in all aspects of the world. But, other than some minor changes to the website, I probably won't try to give the site a complete overhaul.
- entirely the same kind of stuff, just much more complex. — Pop
I'm currently reading the book I referred to before : Information-Consciousness-Reality. The author's specialty is real-world applications of Complexity Theory. In his introduction, he comments that "complexity science invites a systemic and holistic paradigm . . . . and a bottom-up approach to the understanding of reality". My own thesis requires a Holistic perspective, or a Systems Theoretic standpoint ( for those who find "Holism" too New Agey). In another place, he says "Real World complexity (from inanimate self-organizing structure formation to emergent phenomena like life and consciousness) . . . " (my emphasis)
I like the new website. — Pop
Actually. that's the old website. Due to your prodding, I am currently working on an updated version of the Enformationism Introduction. It will be the next post on my blog, but I may adapt it for an article on this forum. Since the website was uploaded 12 years ago, I've learned a lot more about how Information works in all aspects of the world. But, other than some minor changes to the website, I probably won't try to give the site a complete overhaul.
- entirely the same kind of stuff, just much more complex. — Pop
I'm currently reading the book I referred to before : Information-Consciousness-Reality. The author's specialty is real-world applications of Complexity Theory. In his introduction, he comments that "complexity science invites a systemic and holistic paradigm . . . . and a bottom-up approach to the understanding of reality". My own thesis requires a Holistic perspective, or a Systems Theoretic standpoint ( for those who find "Holism" too New Agey). In another place, he says "Real World complexity (from inanimate self-organizing structure formation to emergent phenomena like life and consciousness) . . . " (my emphasis)
Re: TPF : Short Theory of Consciousness
Everything has a quality ( qualia ). Is information the quality ( qualia ) of energy, or is energy the quality of information? or are they two sides of the one coin whose quality is matter? — Pop
Well, if everything in the world is an emergent form of Generic Information (the power to enform), then of course Qualia is a form of Information. But it's essentially a feeling in the mind of a sentient observer, not a physical object (E=MC^2). So, Qualia qualify as "Energy" only if those mental feelings are able to cause effects in other minds or objects. But, I prefer to discriminate between physical Energy, as studied by Physicists, and meta-physical Memes, as studied by Psychologists. In my worldview, EnFormAction (generic information) is the fundamental form of Causation -- the creative power of G*D, so to speak. So, Qualia & Quanta are emergent forms of that universal causal potential. But the causal power of Qualia is best expressed in words, concepts & symbols, not in bullets, bombs, & balls of fire.
Unfortunately, causal mental states too often get mixed-up with ancient notions of Chi, Prana, and Spirit, which are now confused with modern concepts of physical energy : as illustrated in fictional scenes of martial artists and Marvel Comic superheroes "throwing" Chi in the form of energy balls. The ball of fire is easy to see in movies & cartoons, but in real life, the observer has to imagine the chi ball that is being pantomimed by the thrower. So, the invisible energy ball must be believed, in order to be "seen". That's why the metaphysical ambiguity of invisible intangible Qualia lends itself to various magical beliefs.
Qualia ; Quale :
Latin term for immaterial properties, such as color & shape, of physical objects. Usually contrasted with Quanta, referring to unique things that can be counted. Qualia are subjective aspects of sensory perceptions (e.g. redness), as contrasted with the presumed objective existence of material things. Yet, all we ever know of real things is the mental images created in the mind, in response to sensory stimuli, not the things-in-themselves.
1. Qualia are metaphysical Properties considered apart from physical Things. Properties are mental attributions or essences (e.g colors), rather than physical sensations (e.g vibrations). Mathematical relationships (ratios) are virtual properties.
THROWING CHI ... douken.png
Well, if everything in the world is an emergent form of Generic Information (the power to enform), then of course Qualia is a form of Information. But it's essentially a feeling in the mind of a sentient observer, not a physical object (E=MC^2). So, Qualia qualify as "Energy" only if those mental feelings are able to cause effects in other minds or objects. But, I prefer to discriminate between physical Energy, as studied by Physicists, and meta-physical Memes, as studied by Psychologists. In my worldview, EnFormAction (generic information) is the fundamental form of Causation -- the creative power of G*D, so to speak. So, Qualia & Quanta are emergent forms of that universal causal potential. But the causal power of Qualia is best expressed in words, concepts & symbols, not in bullets, bombs, & balls of fire.
Unfortunately, causal mental states too often get mixed-up with ancient notions of Chi, Prana, and Spirit, which are now confused with modern concepts of physical energy : as illustrated in fictional scenes of martial artists and Marvel Comic superheroes "throwing" Chi in the form of energy balls. The ball of fire is easy to see in movies & cartoons, but in real life, the observer has to imagine the chi ball that is being pantomimed by the thrower. So, the invisible energy ball must be believed, in order to be "seen". That's why the metaphysical ambiguity of invisible intangible Qualia lends itself to various magical beliefs.
Qualia ; Quale :
Latin term for immaterial properties, such as color & shape, of physical objects. Usually contrasted with Quanta, referring to unique things that can be counted. Qualia are subjective aspects of sensory perceptions (e.g. redness), as contrasted with the presumed objective existence of material things. Yet, all we ever know of real things is the mental images created in the mind, in response to sensory stimuli, not the things-in-themselves.
1. Qualia are metaphysical Properties considered apart from physical Things. Properties are mental attributions or essences (e.g colors), rather than physical sensations (e.g vibrations). Mathematical relationships (ratios) are virtual properties.
THROWING CHI ... douken.png
Re: TPF : Short Theory of Consciousness
It will be the next post on my blog, but I may adapt it for an article on this forum. — Gnomon
Ill look forward to it. — Pop
I have now uploaded a new blog post entitled : Introduction to Enformationism. And I will soon try to adapt it for a forum article. But, I still have a gnawing feeling that I'm taking some key concepts for granted, because they are familiar to me, but not to those who haven't studied Information Science, informally, for several years. So, if you have time to read 5 pages, I'd appreciate some feedback.
Intro to Enformationism :
Ill look forward to it. — Pop
I have now uploaded a new blog post entitled : Introduction to Enformationism. And I will soon try to adapt it for a forum article. But, I still have a gnawing feeling that I'm taking some key concepts for granted, because they are familiar to me, but not to those who haven't studied Information Science, informally, for several years. So, if you have time to read 5 pages, I'd appreciate some feedback.
Intro to Enformationism :
Re: TPF : Short Theory of Consciousness
This is just my own bias however. I tend to prefer things in list or point form, logically reduced and to the point - this is just me, there is nothing wrong with how you have expressed yourself. — Pop
I do provide some lists in the blog, on specific topics. But Enformationism is such a holistic wide-ranging inter-related concept, that it's hard for me to think of it in a linear 1 - 2 - 3 format. If I had some training in philosophy or mathematics, that itemization might come more naturally. Instead, I'm self-taught in a haphazard manner. And most of my philosophical learning has occurred after I retired 11 years ago. As a Designer-Architect, I do tend to think holistically, rather than reductively & sequentially, like an engineer, or scientist.
My Enformationism thought process began with a kernel concept, based on an observation by a quantum physicist, speaking of the "superposition" of "virtual" particles of matter. He said something like : "it's all information; nothing but information." From that all-is-information notion, I just jumped into the middle, and started flailing around in all directions, like a beginning swimmer.
In an early blog post, I tried to summarize the concept of EnFormAction . So, I added two lists, defining that neologism from two different perspectives (link below). Here's another list, presenting a summary of my speculation on how Information evolved into Consciousness. But it assumes a prior understanding of some essential features of Information, beyond the simplistic definition by Shannon. And each upward step in complexity is the result of inherent Self-Organization, built-in to the creative energy of EnFormAction.
Progression of Evolution :
1. World Program as Singularity
2a. EnFormAction as Causation
2b. Physics as Energy
3. Chemistry as Matter
4. Biology as Life
5. Psychology as Mind
6. Sociology as Culture, Religion, Politics
7. Philosophy as Reflective Mind
8. Cosmology as Worldview
9. Artificial Intelligence as self-programming Computers, Robots
10. Next . . . . . Omega Point deity?
What is EnFormAction? :
I do provide some lists in the blog, on specific topics. But Enformationism is such a holistic wide-ranging inter-related concept, that it's hard for me to think of it in a linear 1 - 2 - 3 format. If I had some training in philosophy or mathematics, that itemization might come more naturally. Instead, I'm self-taught in a haphazard manner. And most of my philosophical learning has occurred after I retired 11 years ago. As a Designer-Architect, I do tend to think holistically, rather than reductively & sequentially, like an engineer, or scientist.
My Enformationism thought process began with a kernel concept, based on an observation by a quantum physicist, speaking of the "superposition" of "virtual" particles of matter. He said something like : "it's all information; nothing but information." From that all-is-information notion, I just jumped into the middle, and started flailing around in all directions, like a beginning swimmer.
In an early blog post, I tried to summarize the concept of EnFormAction . So, I added two lists, defining that neologism from two different perspectives (link below). Here's another list, presenting a summary of my speculation on how Information evolved into Consciousness. But it assumes a prior understanding of some essential features of Information, beyond the simplistic definition by Shannon. And each upward step in complexity is the result of inherent Self-Organization, built-in to the creative energy of EnFormAction.
Progression of Evolution :
1. World Program as Singularity
2a. EnFormAction as Causation
2b. Physics as Energy
3. Chemistry as Matter
4. Biology as Life
5. Psychology as Mind
6. Sociology as Culture, Religion, Politics
7. Philosophy as Reflective Mind
8. Cosmology as Worldview
9. Artificial Intelligence as self-programming Computers, Robots
10. Next . . . . . Omega Point deity?
What is EnFormAction? :
Re: TPF : Short Theory of Consciousness
This is just my own bias however. I tend to prefer things in list or point form, logically reduced and to the point - this is just me, there is nothing wrong with how you have expressed yourself.
— Pop
Here's another attempt to present the Enformationism concept as a numbered or bulleted list. It's adapted from the website.
Abstract of the Enformationism Thesis :
1. The Enformationism hypothesis begins with the ancient, but still controversial, theory that the fundamental “substance” of reality is not sensible energy or tangible matter, but abstract spirit, soul, or mind.
2. Yet it concludes that those mysterious, metaphysical, mental building blocks of reality are nothing stranger than the ordinary, mundane objects of thought that we take for granted in our everyday thinking. ... 7-0076.xml
3. Axiom : Consciousness is real and primal. Hence, Mental concepts are categorically and hierarchically prior to material things.
4. Premise 1 : At the quantum level of reality matter is essentially reduced to mathematical information.
5. Premise 2 : The essence of mind and thought is Information, which consists of patterns and relationships between things.
6. Conclusion : Matter and Energy are condensed forms of abstract, ethereal information.
7. Therefore, the 19th century, reductive, physical, scientific Paradigm of Materialism should be updated to include the knowledge emerging from 21st century, holistic, metaphysical Information Sciences.
Here's another attempt to present the Enformationism concept as a numbered or bulleted list. It's adapted from the website.
Abstract of the Enformationism Thesis :
1. The Enformationism hypothesis begins with the ancient, but still controversial, theory that the fundamental “substance” of reality is not sensible energy or tangible matter, but abstract spirit, soul, or mind.
2. Yet it concludes that those mysterious, metaphysical, mental building blocks of reality are nothing stranger than the ordinary, mundane objects of thought that we take for granted in our everyday thinking. ... 7-0076.xml
3. Axiom : Consciousness is real and primal. Hence, Mental concepts are categorically and hierarchically prior to material things.
4. Premise 1 : At the quantum level of reality matter is essentially reduced to mathematical information.
5. Premise 2 : The essence of mind and thought is Information, which consists of patterns and relationships between things.
6. Conclusion : Matter and Energy are condensed forms of abstract, ethereal information.
7. Therefore, the 19th century, reductive, physical, scientific Paradigm of Materialism should be updated to include the knowledge emerging from 21st century, holistic, metaphysical Information Sciences.
Re: TPF : Short Theory of Consciousness
The idea that energy is the fundamental element is deficient, as energy has to have form, so there is something informing it. Of course the logical difficulty here is that energy and information ( enformation ) are inseparable, so that's why I wonder if one is a quality of the other? Or is matter a quality of the two together? - I feel there is something in this, but I just cant quite get at it - yet! — Pop
Yes. Most Cosmologists take it for granted that Energy and Natural Laws existed prior to the Big Bang. And they assume that Life and Mind are merely accidental products of collisions between matter & energy. I have tried to reverse the order of priority in the thesis and blog. But most materialist philosophers find it difficult to imagine that something as ethereal as Mind Stuff could be the ultimate reality. :worry:
Energy :
Scientists define “energy” as the ability to do work, but don't know what energy is. They assume it's an eternal causative force that existed prior to the Big Bang, along with mathematical laws. Energy is a positive or negative relationship between things, and physical Laws are limitations on the push & pull of those forces. So, all they know is what Energy does, which is to transform material objects in various ways. Energy itself is amorphous & immaterial. So if you reduce energy to its essence of information, it seems more akin to mind than matter. Likewise, all we know of God is what it does : create. That's why I think of Energy as the “power” aspect of the willpower of G*D, which is guided by the intentional (lawlike) “will” aspect. Together I call them : EnFormAction.
Yes. Most Cosmologists take it for granted that Energy and Natural Laws existed prior to the Big Bang. And they assume that Life and Mind are merely accidental products of collisions between matter & energy. I have tried to reverse the order of priority in the thesis and blog. But most materialist philosophers find it difficult to imagine that something as ethereal as Mind Stuff could be the ultimate reality. :worry:
Energy :
Scientists define “energy” as the ability to do work, but don't know what energy is. They assume it's an eternal causative force that existed prior to the Big Bang, along with mathematical laws. Energy is a positive or negative relationship between things, and physical Laws are limitations on the push & pull of those forces. So, all they know is what Energy does, which is to transform material objects in various ways. Energy itself is amorphous & immaterial. So if you reduce energy to its essence of information, it seems more akin to mind than matter. Likewise, all we know of God is what it does : create. That's why I think of Energy as the “power” aspect of the willpower of G*D, which is guided by the intentional (lawlike) “will” aspect. Together I call them : EnFormAction.
Re: TPF : Short Theory of Consciousness
What is wrong with - Enformationism posits that the fundamental substances of reality is not energy or matter but mind. — Pop
I'll take that under advisement. But now I'm thinking about adding another, even more controversial, conclusion or Coda. Something along the lines of :
A possible corollary to the Enformationism Thesis is that "everything happens for a reason". But the Reason for Being may not have anything to do with You as a singular sentient being. The rational basis of reality, and the logic of evolution, may instead serve the long-range intention of the anonymous First Cause - Creator - Programmer - Enformer.
Unfortunately nobody knows what that ultimate goal might be. Except that it seems to have something to do with Complexity & Consciousness. Yet, the element of Randomness, implies that some freedom from determinism is essential to this exercise in Enformation.
So, your personal role in the process of computing that Final Answer may be as an independent-minded improvisational role-player in the on-going story of Evolution toward a Universal Mind in space-time, as envisioned by Teilhard deChardin.
But, your guess is as good as mine. So I play my role, and construct my character, for my own personal reasons. And you are somewhat free to do likewise.
Still, too wordy. But I feel the need to justify each conjecture beyond the bare facts. Such speculation might just dig me in deeper over my head. But then, what's the point of philosophy if not to go beyond Ontology (being) into Epistemology (knowing)? :worry:
I'll take that under advisement. But now I'm thinking about adding another, even more controversial, conclusion or Coda. Something along the lines of :
A possible corollary to the Enformationism Thesis is that "everything happens for a reason". But the Reason for Being may not have anything to do with You as a singular sentient being. The rational basis of reality, and the logic of evolution, may instead serve the long-range intention of the anonymous First Cause - Creator - Programmer - Enformer.
Unfortunately nobody knows what that ultimate goal might be. Except that it seems to have something to do with Complexity & Consciousness. Yet, the element of Randomness, implies that some freedom from determinism is essential to this exercise in Enformation.
So, your personal role in the process of computing that Final Answer may be as an independent-minded improvisational role-player in the on-going story of Evolution toward a Universal Mind in space-time, as envisioned by Teilhard deChardin.
But, your guess is as good as mine. So I play my role, and construct my character, for my own personal reasons. And you are somewhat free to do likewise.
Still, too wordy. But I feel the need to justify each conjecture beyond the bare facts. Such speculation might just dig me in deeper over my head. But then, what's the point of philosophy if not to go beyond Ontology (being) into Epistemology (knowing)? :worry:
Re: TPF : Short Theory of Consciousness
Panpschism is gaining momentum, with people like Tononi, Koch, Hoffman, etc, but it will be up to the millennial generation to really cement it into place. You and I will just beat our heads against a brick wall, but who knows we may displace a brick or two along the way.
— Pop
Yes. I think a revival of the old Panpsychism worldview is a step in the right direction. But it is currently most popular in the form of mystical magical New Age religions. Apparently the notion that everything, including a grain of sand, is conscious makes them feel a part of something greater than themselves. However, I think it's more comforting to feel that humans are an important part of the whole. However, our self-importance is diminished somewhat by the knowledge that the higher animals are also sentient. So, homo sapiens seems to be merely one step in the stairway to heaven, not the "chosen people" with a reservation in the Eternal Bliss suite.
Yes. I think a revival of the old Panpsychism worldview is a step in the right direction. But it is currently most popular in the form of mystical magical New Age religions. Apparently the notion that everything, including a grain of sand, is conscious makes them feel a part of something greater than themselves. However, I think it's more comforting to feel that humans are an important part of the whole. However, our self-importance is diminished somewhat by the knowledge that the higher animals are also sentient. So, homo sapiens seems to be merely one step in the stairway to heaven, not the "chosen people" with a reservation in the Eternal Bliss suite.
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