TPF : Fine Tuning Argument

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Re: TPF : Fine Tuning Argument

Post by Gnomon » Thu Sep 08, 2022 10:54 am

I believe what you said in a previous post obtains - I'm unable to grok your theory of EnFormaction. Perhaps, like some quantum physicists claim, uncertainty (yin/true/1 OR yang/false/0) is a feature (of reality) and NOT a bug (in our epistemic methodology). Ignorance (noise) is part and parcel of knowledge (signal). Gracias, good day. — Agent Smith

What I said was, that you seem to have a problem with Holism, the ability to see both Forest and Trees. The exclusive Either/Or Reductionism of modern Science & Philosophy is directly opposed to a more inclusive BothAnd Holistic worldview.

Uncertainty is indeed a dubious feature of our world. Yet Information is the key to reducing uncertainty, by replacing ignorance with knowledge ; or mis-information with verity. So, perhaps you are simply missing some information, that might plug the holes in your understanding of the essential & universal role of Information in the physical world. Or you may have some outdated information (intuition?) that conflicts with a novel concept (Creative Energy). Random Energy alone can be destructive (Entropy ; Noise), but Non-random Energy is constructive (Organization ; Signal). Hence, EnFormAction accounts for all of the emergent novelty of heuristic Evolution.

Actually, my coined term (EFA) is not so difficult to grok, if you are able to look at both sides of the same coin at the same time. That made-up word merely refers to the common combination of Energy & Information. For example, a guided missile is not just a bomb, but a bomb with a mandated mission. The explosive side of the missile is energetic matter, visible & tangible. But the guiding side is invisible & intangible coded information on how to seek & destroy a moving target. Just as some trained hands were necessary to put together the dangerous chemicals of the dumb bomb, a trained mind was required to organize the instructions for guiding the physical chemicals to their intended target. It's the specified intention that makes the difference between the blind bombs of WWII and Ukranian drones. De nada. :wink:

How information is related with uncertainty? :
Uncertainty is viewed as a manifestation of some information deficiency, while information is viewed as the capacity to reduce uncertainty. ... 75.fmatter

Introduction to Enformationism :
Like Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and the various theories of Quantum Mechanics, Enformationism is a simple, but counter-intuitive, concept that requires curiosity and motivation to reach a general understanding.

The EnFormAction Hypothesis :
EnFormAction is intended to be an evocative label for a well-known, but somewhat mysterious, feature of physics : the Emergent process of Phase Change (or state transitions) from one kind (stable form) of matter to another.

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Re: TPF : Fine Tuning Argument

Post by Gnomon » Thu Sep 08, 2022 11:02 am

Even nothing is information. What do you suppose this means for your theory? I'm curious. — Agent Smith

In your computer, even opening & closing a file changes at least one bit in a register. So, the memory reported that change in terms of its minimum value : a byte -- indicating something changed but nothing remains. Still curious? Read on :

Claude Shannon realized the significance of Nothing. That's why his information-carrying digits are 1s & 0s : something & nothing. That nothingness-has-value is essential to my "theory". A key concept, that is also counter-intuititve, but makes sense from a BothAnd perspective, is the Power of Absence. Mathematician & Science writer Charles Seife wrote a best-seller book on the novel notion of nothing : Zero, Biography of a Dangerous Idea. Check it out.

Also, my blog post What is EnFormAction refers to Terrence Deacon's seminal book Incomplete Nature, How Mind Emerged From Matter, in which he introduces the eyebrow-raising concept of Causal Absence. Metaphorically, you can understand that "Gravity sucks", even though it is not a material thing or physical force. Although Gravity is merely the geometry of empty space, nothingness, it causes the whole universe to conform to its absential shape.

Since you may not click on many of the links in my posts, I have pasted part of the EFA post below, for your edification. EFA is just a post-quantum angle on the vague classical definition of Energy -- as a mysterious "ability" of Nature. EFA focuses on the power of Potential (non-actual ; virtual) and on the universality of Information (power to enform). "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence", though. And absence may even be evidence for fine-tuning of the initial conditions from which our physical world emerged : Teleology -- the future end state defines the path (say what??). :nerd:

PS__Holism, which 180 mistakenly equates with pseudoscientific "woo", also includes undetectable, but inferrable, meta-physical Absence as a binding force of multi-part organizations : Systems Theory.
"In physics — Holism in science, holistic science, or methodological holism is an approach to research that emphasizes the study of complex systems."
PPS__Incidentally, in Chinese, "woo" means "none". And "woo-woo" refers to ghosts. Ni hao!

EnFormAction is not a physical force, pushing objects around. It’s more like Gravity and Strange Attractors of Physics that “pull” stuff toward them. It is in effect a Teleological Attractor. How that “spooky action at a distance” works may be best explained by Terrence Deacon’s definition of “Absence”.

What is EnFormAction? :
Literally, the act of enforming --- to fashion, to create, to cause.
1. Metaphorically, the Will of G*D flowing through the world to cause evolutionary change in a teleological direction.
2. Immaterial Information is almost always defined in terms of its physical context or material container. (e.g. mathematical DNA code in chemical form)
3. Raw En-Form-Action has few, if any, definable perceivable qualities. By itself, Information is colorless, odorless, and formless. Unlike colorless, odorless, and formless water though, Information gives physical form to whatever is defined by it.
4. Like DNA, Information shapes things via internal rather than external constraints. Like the Laws of Physics, Information is the motivating & constraining force of physical reality. Like Energy, Information is the universal active agent of the cosmos. Like Spinoza's God, Information appears to be the single substance of the whole World.
5. Information is the Promethean power of transformation. Information is Generic in the sense of generating all forms from a formless pool of possibility : the Platonic Forms.


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Re: TPF : Fine Tuning Argument

Post by Gnomon » Thu Sep 08, 2022 11:06 am

A point against fine-tuning which I didn't mention is that a great deal of the surface of the Earth (oceans, deserts, top of mountains) are hostile to human life in that a unclothed human being would soon die. And in 99.999999... percent of the universe, a human being would die instantly. — Art48

True. And yet, on a blue speck of dust, in a remote arm of a minor galaxy, in the midst of millions of apparently lifeless galaxies, against impossible odds, something unusual happened. Dust became Life, and Life became Mind, and Mind is on the verge of populating the solar system, by making uninhabitable places conform to its needs. Obviously, the gambling odds against such a cosmic accident are astronomical (bet on the underdog : take Accident plus 999999999 points).

So, the initial conditions of our world were undoubtedly "special", But does that mean "specified"? In the absence of a "smoking gun", your interpretation of the circumstantial evidence is necessarily subjective, and may be biased by prior beliefs (glass half empty vs half full?). Nevertheless, philosophically -- on the face of it -- does this set-up sound more like a cosmic accident, or a divine miracle, or just Nature being creative? :joke:

The arrow of time and the initial conditions of the universe :
The existence of a thermodynamic arrow of time in the present universe implies that the initial state of the observable portion of our universe at (or near) the “big bang” must have been very “special”. ... 9806000396

Fine-tuning is a scientific observation, but why? is a philosophical question :
Even atheistic scientists have been baffled and fascinated by the “Cosmological Coincidences” they encounter as they scan the physical universe. Puzzling over the practical implications of a variety of otherwise meaningless “dimensionless ratios”, some of those seekers reached an intriguing interpretation. It appears that those abstract aspects of the universe’s structure imposed “conditions necessary to generate observers”. Which raised the non-scientific, but philosophical question, “why?” Was the eventual emergence of questioning creatures merely an accidental effect of random evolution? Or was the creation of homo sapiens intentional?


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Re: TPF : Fine Tuning Argument

Post by Gnomon » Fri Sep 09, 2022 5:12 pm

If that's the case, I feel that everything is, in line with your theory, information. In other words "O bits/bytes" never applies!? — Agent Smith

Yes. The realization that "everything is information" was the insight that led me to the Enformationism thesis. Others have come to a similar conclusion. For example, physicist Max Tegmark has developed a hypothesis that everything in the universe is Mathematics, as in the coded programs running on the Matrix. I agree, to a degree. But Mathematics is completely abstract, and seems to need something else to put flesh on the bones. In my thesis, that "something extra" is Intention or Direction. That's what causes a coded program to "seek" an answer to a specific problem. In the case of our universe, I don't know what the Ultimate Question was. But, from our position in the middle of the calculation, it seems to be about Complexity & Consciousness.

In Isaac Asimov's short story The Last Question, the protagonist asked the most powerful computer of the 1950s, Multivac, "how can the net amount of entropy of the universe be massively decreased?" [Note : decreased Entropy means increased Order, and I call that anti-entropy principle : Enformy -- the power to enform; to increase order ; to make something where before there was nothing.] Unfortunately, the computer popped a few vacuum tubes, and wearily replied : "insufficient data for a meaningful answer". And that's what the anti-fine-tuning posters are saying, implicitly. Because, they are not aware of the power of Absence.

When you said "0 bits/bytes never applies", you are ignoring the fact that binary computer codes use just as many zeros as ones [see below]. The ancient Greeks abhorred the notion of Nothingness. Hence, their math had no place for Zeros. So, it took centuries for mathematicians to realize that math was much easier to do, if you included a symbol for Nothing. That symbol had no positive or negative value, so it served only as a placeholder. In other words, the Zero was a symbol of un-actualized Potential. And the power of Potential is still under-appreciated to this day. Yet, even materialist physicists were forced to conclude that the vacuum of space is not nothing. It has the inherent Potential for energy & particles. Hence, empty Space is just a placeholder. And Zero sometimes "applies" to Reality. :nerd:

Power of Absence
Terrence Deacon's 2011 book, goes into great detail to create a plausible hypothesis for solving the mystery of how living organisms suddenly emerged on Earth, after billions of years of spatial expansion & material aggregation had managed to build only simple inorganic chemical systems that strictly obeyed the zero-sum 2nd law of Thermodynamics. Those structures, such as stars, converted raw energy into lifeless lumps of matter that did little to slow the astronomical waste of energy known as Entropy. So what's the difference between stars and the organic chemistry we now know as Biology? What changed a zero-sum world into a non-zero (positive) environment suitable for human habitation?

Deacon thinks the answer is “Constraints”, which are not physical fences, but metaphysical patterns of Potential. He calls these statistical opportunities “Absences”, because they are merely empty spaces that can be filled by actual things ─ like those in a jigsaw puzzle. The puzzle solver that decides what will fit those gaps is active Information (e.g. natural selection). In terms of my Enformationism thesis, Information (passive) is stored or constrained energy (potential), and Enformation (active) is directed or channeled energy (kinetic). Information can be stored in a mind as meaning, or in a battery as electric potential. EnFormAction is energy "flowing" in an organized system. Organs are channels for energy flow, or corrals for storage. Organisms redirect energy for their own purposes.


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Re: TPF : Fine Tuning Argument

Post by Gnomon » Fri Sep 09, 2022 6:05 pm

Does your theory quantify information like Claude Shannon's does? I noticed that you didn't answer my question. Lemme ask again: Is there any message in Enformationism whose information content is 0 (bits)? Explain both yes and no answers to that question ... please. — Agent Smith

I did answer your question, not with scientific quantitative data, but with philosophical qualitative "absence". Unfortunately, even Qualia would have to be quantified into 1s & 0s, in order to transmit it over the internet. Unless, of course, you just feel what I feel. It's a both-Yes-and-No answer. "You feel me?"

Feel me is a term used to see if someone understands what you are talking about.
Example #1
Some guy: absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, you feel me?
Another guy: Yeah. ... =Feel%20Me
Dig me : Get where I'm coming from. ... m=dig%20me
Note -- "Grok" is another term for qualitative understanding.

On a topic more closely related to the OP, "Holism" is not quantifiable, because it is not reducible to particular isolated atoms or bits -- electrons & grains of sand are interchangeable, but the whole system is unique (one of a kind). Entropy fragments, but Enformy unifies.

I'm currently reading a book by German theoretical physicist Sabine Hossenfelder : Existential Physics. In which she explains some physical concepts from a philosophical perspective. Today's chapter is entitled : "Are you just a bag of atoms?". She claims that she is "not a reductionist hardliner". but then admits : "If you say 'holism", I hear 'bullshit' ". The chapter is about Reductionism vs Holism, and Monism vs Dualism. So, she admits to a professional prejudice : "having said that, as a particle physicist by training, I have to inform you that the available evidence tells us that the whole is the sum of the parts, not more and not less." [emphasis in text]

However, a bit of Holism sneaks in by the back door. She discusses the scientific method of "coarse graining", in which "irrelevant information" is discarded via abstraction. But, what's irrelevant to a pragmatic scientist may be essential to a speculative philosopher. At the end of the chapter, she summarizes her answer to the topical question. "the characteristic features of a creature or object are the relations and interactions among many constituent particles, not the particles themselves." Ironically, that is a concise definition of Holism : what makes a whole system is not a pile of parts, like grains of sand, but the relations & interactions that bind those loose grains into a solid block of concrete. You could quantify the millions of grains of sand, but there is only one whole concrete block. "You dig me?". :joke:

PS___"Relations" are mental, not physical. And "interactions" are functional, not material.

Plato’s Forms were described, not as things, but as the idea or concept or design of things. The conceptual structure of a thing can be expressed as geometric ratios and relationships which allow matter to take-on a specific shape. So, in a sense, the ideal Form of a real Thing is the mathematical recipe for transforming its potential into actual.

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Re: TPF : Fine Tuning Argument

Post by Gnomon » Fri Sep 09, 2022 6:13 pm

How many bits (of information) is absence? A hint: Any letter in the English alphabet e.g. "a" is 1 byte in Windows text document. Even empty space (absence) " " is 1 byte.
By the way, arigato gozaimus for the patience you've shown me as you walk me through this.
— Agent Smith

Apparently, you are trying to make the holistic Enformationism thesis fit neatly into Shannon's particular Information theory. Shannon was a Reductive engineer, whose interest was in numerical carrying capacity instead of conceptual meaning. But my philosophical interest is in the personally significant contents, not the empty container. Focusing on the abstract numbers misses the whole point of Information Communication. It's the emptiness (absence) inside the container that has functional human value (to convey meaning). Therefore, I wouldn't worry about insignificant bits when the OP question is about philosophical arguments for a Cosmic Creator. [♾️bits & bytes ]

Information : Shannon vs Deacon :
Originally, the word “information” referred to the meaningful software contents of a mind, which were assumed to be only loosely shaped by the physical container : the hardware brain. But in the 20th century, the focus of Information theory was on its material form as changes in copper wires & silicon circuits & neural networks.
Now, Terrence Deacon’s book about the Causal Power of Absence requires another reinterpretation of the role of Information in the world. He quotes philosopher John Collier, “The great tragedy of formal information theory [Shannon] is that its very expressive power is gained through abstraction away from the very thing that it has been designed to describe.” Claude Shannon’s Information is functional, but not meaningful. So now, Deacon turns the spotlight on the message rather than the medium.

PS__Be careful how you hang around with Freethinkers on this forum. ↪180 Proof
is the self-appointed Chief Heresy Inquisitor. And he might hang us both with our own rope : personal opinions.
Dou itashimashite :cool:

We must all hang together, or most assuredly we will all hang separately."
___Benjamin Franklin

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Re: TPF : Fine Tuning Argument

Post by Gnomon » Sun Sep 11, 2022 4:54 pm

How many bits (of information) is absence? — Agent Smith

Since you sincerely asked the question, I'll answer it, from the Shannon perspective, with a quote from Quanta magazine :

"If someone tells you a fact you already know, they’ve essentially told you nothing at all. Whereas if they impart a secret, it’s fair to say something has really been communicated.
This distinction is at the heart of Claude Shannon’s theory of information. Introduced in an epochal 1948 paper, “A Mathematical Theory of Communication,” it provides a rigorous mathematical framework for quantifying the amount of information needed to accurately send and receive a message, as determined by the degree of uncertainty around what the intended message could be saying.
Which is to say, it’s time for an example.
In one scenario, I have a trick coin — it’s heads on both sides. I’m going to flip it twice. How much information does it take to communicate the result? None at all, because prior to receiving the message, you have complete certainty that both flips will come up heads.

Technically, this example is not about "Absence" (0 bits) but about "Certainty" (1 bit). But, if you already possess the information, its additional value is zero, nothing, nada, absentio. :smile:

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Re: TPF : Fine Tuning Argument

Post by Gnomon » Sun Sep 11, 2022 5:04 pm

Well, as far as I can tell, your theory hasn't been quantified and unfortunately what John Collier, who you quoted, is bang on target in re Shannon's theory of information. I feel it too! — Agent Smith

Quantification & mathematical modeling are necessary for acceptance of theories of physical (material) science. But, Enformationism is primarily a theory of meta-physical (mental) science. Shannon was able to quantify his theory of Information by ignoring its meta-physical meaning. That's useful for physical transmission of abstract symbols -- like numbers & letters -- but useless for conveying meaning & feeling. You understand the real-world-referrent of words typed-out on your screen, only because you already know their semiotic significance. Shannon's symbols only remind you of what you have stored away as personal connotation.

Shannon's quantified Information left meaning behind, and only transmitted conventional coded symbols, like Morse Code -- learned by education, not from electrons. Anyone who can't understand the philosophical significance of that difference, shouldn't be posting on a philosophy forum. But, I suspect you're just being swayed by the aggressive physical-philosophy-faction on the forum. They believe that metaphysical Philosophy has been made obsolete by physical Science. And yet, here we are, debating ideas that don't add-up to a round number. Information must overcome uncertainty, not with numerical superiority, but with conceptual understanding.

The closest anyone has come to quantifying Information theory is Tononi's Integrated Information Theory. If you want numbers, look at his website. But, the numbers he comes up with are associated with the physical underpinnings of Consciousness, not with Awareness itself. The ding an sich of Consciousness will always remain in the realm of noumena, not of numbers. However, Generic Information is not limited to immaterial Ideas & Thoughts; it also crosses over into Actions & Things, and Mind & Life. Which makes it difficult to pin-down to a traditional scientific category, and almost impossible to quantify. On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you feel about "The Fine-Tuning Argument"?

I'm an amateur philosopher, with no academic connections. So, my personal "theory" has not been submitted for official vetting. It is only offered for free online, and in forum posts, for non-numerical philosophical critique : the Socratic Dialog, not Mathematical Calculus. As befits The Philosophy Forum, it deals with Qualia, not Quanta. The only criteria is whether it makes sense to you. Anyway, you're not wasting my time. You ask good challenging questions. That's the whole point of posting on a philosophical forum. And we don't get graded on a curve. :nerd:

Integrated Information Theory is one of the leading models of consciousness. It aims to describe both the quality and quantity of the conscious experience of a physical system, such as the brain, in a particular state. ... 02973/full
Note -- IIT has had more success with Quantifying the physical system, than for Qualifying the meaning or feeling of the information.

In philosophy, a noumenon is a posited object or an event that exists independently of human sense and/or perception. The term noumenon is generally used in contrast with, or in relation to, the term phenomenon, which refers to any object of the senses. ___Wikipedia


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Re: TPF : Fine Tuning Argument

Post by Gnomon » Sun Sep 11, 2022 5:22 pm

Shannon was not in the least bit (pun unintended) concerned about philosophical information (what information means to philosophers) if you catch my drift. — Agent Smith

Exactly! Shannon was not an experimenting knowledge-seeking scientist, he was a pragmatic solution-seeking engineer. So his concern was about as far from feckless philosophy as you can get. Moreover, once-dominant Philosophy -- among intellectuals at least -- has been plagued with an inferiority*1 complex --- ever since younger sibling Science has become richer and more famous. Nevertheless, even some scientists still see a need for the wider scope of Philosophy to keep near-sighted Science from straying into dangerous territory.

The author of my current book, Sabine Hossenfelder, is a theoretical physicist, hence closer to a philosopher than her hands-on fellows, smashing atoms in a cyclotron. Speaking as a credentialed scientist though, she says "philosophy is where our knowledge ends, and the scientific method is no exception". So, philosophy picks-up where science cannot go. For example the fine-tuning "argument", although based on scientific evidence, is not a scientific theory. And beyond presenting a long list of coincidental dimensionless numbers as evidence, it may never be fully quantified. In other words, it's a philosophical "argument" not a scientific "theory".

In her interview with prominent physicist David Deutsch, The Fabric of Reality, they discuss the "limits of Reductionism", both scientific "theory reductionism" and philosophical "ontological reductionism". For example, he asks "if the atoms can't be subdivided, how come they have different properties? . . . . there has to be an underlying structure". The "structure" he's referring to is not physical, but meta-physical, and the "properties" are inferred Qualia, not observed Quanta. That's why, in the 21st century, the fundamental "atom" is portrayed as a universal foggy field of influence instead of a compact condensed particle.

Deutsch himself has proposed a "Constructor Theory"*2 to explain the concept of a universal Turing computer. But reductive opponents reject the idea, mostly because it seems to imply deterministic teleology. And that's also the scientific objection to the philosophical argument for "fine tuning" of initial conditions, which seem to be "programmed" to evolve living & thinking creatures. Of course, there is no reductive scientific way to prove that theory, because you would have to go outside the universe to look at it objectively. But philosophers do that kind of generalizing & universalizing all the time. They just can't prove it or quantify it.

Although Hossenfelder carefully avoids using touchy terms like "Holism" and "Metaphysics", the whole point of this chapter is to reveal the philosophically restrictive limits of Reductionism & Physicalism. Apparently, Deutsch is not quite so careful, because he says, in summing up : "and this is my view of the role of particle physics, reductionism, and holism". [my emphasis] The advantage of quantitative reductive methods is that it produces saleable products : physical stuff with added value : like a foldable phone screen, made possible by lab-laboring scientists. Sadly, the only product of qualia-questing pencil-pushing Philosophy is life-enhancing Wisdom. :nerd:

*1. Why exactly is philosophy considered inferior to science in terms of predicting power? :
The goal of philosophy is NOT predictive power.
This is another of those presumptuous questions one often finds on Quora.
One might as well ask, “Why exactly is music considered inferior to mathematics in terms of enjoyment-potential? ... ting-power

*2. Constructor Theory :
"The goal of constructor theory is to rewrite the laws of physics in terms of general principles that take the form of counterfactuals" ... -20210429/
"Constructor theory 'has a radically different mode of explanation, where the main objects are physical transformations, or tasks.' " ... e91dca4a92
"Transformations" are the result of en-formation. Which is how Generic Information functions as causal Energy. "Counterfactuals" are hypothetical statements that are not actual, but serve to express a philosophical concept.

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Re: TPF : Fine Tuning Argument

Post by Gnomon » Mon Sep 12, 2022 7:15 pm

↪Agent Smith
For the 'ontology of information'[/quote]

My last post on the Quantum Mechanics . . . etc thread*1 is relevant to the OP of this thread on Fine Tuning. It offers a philosophical postulate for how the "fine-tuning" information of the Big Bang could have gotten into the initial Singularity. As a thought experiment : What kind of "Programmer" do you suppose could have encoded those set-up criteria into a pre-space-time register made of nothing but Potential? :chin:

PS__The OP seemed to be pointing out a flawed assumption in the biblical description of creation, not so much about "fine tuning" per se, but about divine intentions.

*1. Quantum Mechanics, Monism, Isness, Meditation
<< Most physicists, though, treat the original Singularity either 1> as-if it just accidentally happened, "something from nothing for no reason", or 2> as-if it was just a recycling of old worlds through the garbage grinder of pre-historic Black Holes. But in my Enformationism thesis, I give it a philosophical definition, based on Information Theory. There, I treat that pin-point-of-potential as-if it was the DNA from which space-time was created, and then filled with the stuff we see around us." >> ... ent/738021

Ontology : How did the world come to be? How did Information come to be?

Registers are a type of computer memory, a container for information.

The degree of fine-tuning in our universe — and others :
Both the fundamental constants that describe the laws of physics and the cosmological parameters that determine the properties of our universe must fall within a range of values in order for the cosmos to develop astrophysical structures and ultimately support life. ... 7319300511

A. We can identify which natural properties are necessary or compatible for life
B. Evolution follows natural laws and inherent limitations set by initial conditions & constants
C. The element Carbon, only produced in certain stars, is essential to life, but is rare (.025%) on Earth
D. The initial conditions of our universe were selected from all possible logical (mental) or actual (multiverse) combinations
E. The complex pathway to Life has a low statistical probability
F. An unlikely occurrence is not necessarily a miracle, but must have some ultimate Cause

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