... ent/483186
If the accepted "information theory" represents information in a way other than the way that we normally use the word "information", and cannot account for the existence of information, according to how we normally use the word, as that which is transmitted in a message, then surely we are justified in "raising philosophical objections to it". — Metaphysician Undercover
Charged with maximizing the flow of communication, Shannon was interested in measuring the carrying capacity of the system, not the meaningful content of each message. That's like a shipping company, which is more interested in the potential (carrying capacity) of its empty vessels, while the shippers are interested in the cash-value (meaning) of the actual cargo.
Toward that end, Shannon focused on the Syntax of Information (structure ; volume) instead of its Semantics (meaning ; content). Ironically, he measured Information capacity in terms of emptiness & negation (Entropy), instead of its fullness & positive aspects (Energy). Even more ironically, scientists have referred to those purposeful features as "negentropy" (negative negation). Likewise, scientists focus on the "uncertainty" of information, rather than its "novelty". But it's the unexpected that is most meaningful to humans. So, I agree that philosophers have good reasons to "raise objections".
"Information", as Shannon defined it, is akin to Fuzzy Logic, which is ambiguous & uncertain, but -- like the Enigma code -- capable of carrying almost infinite values : between 0 and 100%. By reducing Specificity, it maximizes Potential. Hence, each bit/byte, instead of carrying meaning, is an empty container capable of carrying multiple meanings. That kind of communication is good for computers -- where the translation code-key is built in -- but not for people, who can't handle uncertainty & ambiguity.
That's why neuroscientist & anthropologist Terrence Deacon said, "this is evidence that we are both woefully ignorant of a fundamental causal principle in the universe and in desperate need of such a theory". The Enformationism thesis is my contribution toward that end.
Negentropy : Negentropy is reverse entropy. It means things becoming more in order. By 'order' is meant organisation, structure and function: the opposite of randomness or chaos.
Note -- I give it a more positive name : "Enformy" -- meaning the power to enform, to create novelty.
Fuzzy Logic :
Fuzzy logic is a form of many-valued logic in which the truth values of variables may be any real number between 0 and 1. It is employed to handle the concept of partial truth, where the truth value may range between completely true and completely false.
Enformy :
In the Enformationism theory, Enformy is a hypothetical, holistic, metaphysical, natural trend, opposite to that of Entropy & Randomness, to produce Complexity & Progress. It is the mysterious tendency for aimless energy to occasionally create the stable, but temporary, patterns we call Matter, Life, and Mind.