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The issue I have is that it has a human component. The thinker. Then observer. And therefore I’m not sure if logic exists without an aware/ sentient observer in the environment or of logical processes occur regardless of us and that “order” is relevant even without people in the picture. — Benj96
Modern Science has concluded that every physical thing in the universe is essentially a form of mathematics : geometric relationships & algebraic ratios & formal proportions. Quantum theory has revealed that matter is math --- fields of relationships between dimensionless points. Yet, all those res extensa (spatial things) have numerical values, but no meanings. It is "sentient observers" who give personal (relevant) meaning to otherwise impersonal (abstract) relationships. That's why the "human component" relates all things in the world to Self : the focal point of perspective.
Descartes defined the human mind as res cogitans (thinking thing). Because invisible intangible Thoughts have no physical extension in space. So, René thought of thoughts as more like math : abstract definitions of concrete things & external events. But, it's the concrete thinker who evaluates abstractions in terms of relationship-to-Self. Those personal ME meanings put flesh on the bare bones of geometry.
Metaphorically, what we call "Logic" is simply mathematics with Words (Gk. logoi). And words are merely encapsulated & portable commonly-relevant meanings. Each person's experience of the world is different, but all sentient beings have mathematical bodies, engendered from mathematical topological DNA. So, all mind-making brains are akin, and similar in their basic physical structure. The brains of orcas, octopi & orioles may look different superficially. But in their fundamental physical structure they are similar. They all process information in logical patterns, which are essentially mathematical.
Therefore, the universe, from top to bottom --- from constellations to consciousness --- is essentially a network of logical mathematical interrelationships. So, the eventual emergence of sentient minds, with logical & mathematical talents, is not so surprising. Formal Logic may be an artificial construct in the natural world. But the roots of human Logic are entangled & embedded in the soil of Natural Math.
Physical spatial objects are fundamentally mathematical fields :
A field itself, either in classical physics or in its quantization, is simply a function on spacetime, assigning to each spacetime point the "value" of that field at that point. ... ematically