A place for discussion of ideas presented in the BothAndBlog, or relevant to the Enformationism thesis.
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by Gnomon » Sun Mar 29, 2020 12:56 pm
https://thephilosophyforum.com/discussi ... ent/396934
I actually didn't know you didn't like the Kabbalah, i don't like the Kabbalah either. I don't like the talmud but i didn't want to bore you with that right now. It deals with the way it is worded in relation to the old testament. — christian2017
I don't dislike the Kabblah more than any other ancient scriptures. But I am wary of how people get sucked-in to the vortex of magic & mysticism. Like Gnostics, they believe they know secrets that give them supernatural powers. But they're just fooling themselves and others. The Kabbalah is definitely not compatible with Christianity, or even with second temple Judaism, for that matter.

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by Gnomon » Tue Apr 07, 2020 12:36 pm
cool. Considering i believe in aliens, i don't think this is entirely unplausible. — christian2017
Modern Aliens are equivalent to ancient Angels. They are messengers from the great beyond, but they are very secretive, and only appear to a select few people. Have you ever seen one? Have you received a message of peace, or a warning for us to stop sinning against Nature or God?
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by Gnomon » Tue Apr 07, 2020 12:38 pm
Based on the differences between the Talmud and Old Testament, i agree. — christian2017
Although it claims roots in ancient Jewish wisdom traditions, the Kabbalah is a post-Christian scripture. It implies that those ancient scriptures were written in code, so only a select few adepts can understand it. That's one thing I don't like about magical cults, they are proudly occult, and keep important stuff secret from ordinary people like me. By contrast, Science is conducted out in the open, where it can be skeptically criticized to weed-out the bad stuff. Unfortunately, most people tend to take anything remotely sciency on faith in authorities, without critical thinking. So, they can't tell the difference between reasonable Facts and irrational BS.
But i believe in Jesus Christ. lol. — christian2017
I believe in the apocalyptic Jewish preacher, but not in the mythical Roman Christ.
My belief in aliens is due to something i read in "a brief history of time" by Stephen Hawkings. He said if you roll a trillion sided dice (die) a trillion times you should expect to roll an 18 if your desire was to roll an 18. — christian2017
So, you are playing long odds that aliens are real and relevant???
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by Gnomon » Tue Apr 07, 2020 12:42 pm
mythical Roman Christ? My assumption is you mean a Catholic bastardization of who Jesus Christ is? — christian2017
Yes. The original followers of Jesus were Jews. And Jesus rebuked a gentile woman : “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” (Matt. 15:24) But Saul/Paul (not Jesus) was rejected by the Jews, so he took his message of the Messiah to the Greeks. Centuries later, Paul's gentile-friendly version of Jesus/Judaism was adopted by the Roman Emperor, who made it the Imperial Religion. This mashup of Roman polytheism and Jewish monotheism is what modern Christians have inherited. It has little to do with the actual mission of Jesus.
Did any one ever tell you that Jesus Christ was butt ugly — christian2017
Yes. The "suffering servant" prophesied by Isaiah "had no form or comeliness". But the same was said of the Greek "Jesus", Socrates. Plato emphasized that he was "butt ugly" in a society obsessed with beauty. It was intended to show the irony of a beautiful message in an ugly vessel.
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by Gnomon » Tue Apr 07, 2020 12:44 pm
Some christians claim there is a close connection between free masonry and Kabbalah. My assumption is that is true. — christian2017
Yes. Both have roots in ancient Jewish and Egyptian mysticism. The article below even asserts that "
Although the Christian Church Fathers of the first century were demonstratably Kabbalists, mystical or gnostic elements within the Church largely disappeared within the first three centuries, only to reappear as a Christian Cabala during the Renaissance." But that's a masonic tradition, hard to verify from non-masonic sources.
Kabbalah & Freemasonry :
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