Why Correlation Does Not Imply Causation
https://thephilosophyforum.com/discussi ... ent/751284
(What is the difference between
implication and
causality?) — Karlen Karapetyan
Your well defined, but complex, post goes over my philosophically untrained head. But I will comment on one facet of the Causation question that I am somewhat familiar with. In the pre-scientific era : the
implication that an object in motion could cause another object to move was
intuitive (e.g experience with billiard balls). But the the observers had no idea how to explain mechanical transfer of motion between objects.
An ancient word for invisible causes was "Spirit" (wind or breath). So, the implication was that some invisible "ooomph" was transmitted from the moving object to the stationary object, forcing it to move in the same direction. Today, we use the words "Energy" and "Force" to explain the transmission of unseen "momentum" from the kinetic object to the static object.
But all of those "ooomph" words describe a mathematical relationship, not a material substance that can be off-loaded from one carrier to another.
The causal relationship between Kinetic & Static is so reliable, that we would be surprised if the cue ball struck the eight ball, and suddenly stopped dead, with no corresponding acceleration of the the struck ball. Where did the "oomph" go? Due to our intuition of cause & effect we have come to expect Action & Reaction to be joined at the hip (Necessity is implicit).
That is the ancient belief we call "Causality". But scientists have since explained the causal mystery in terms of Mathematical ratios instead of Material substances. Momentum is not a load of stuff carried by moving objects, but a dominant/submissive relation between primary Action and secondary Reaction. However, we can now explain Causation in terms of Information Theory.
Metaphorically, the active partner in this exchange issues a
coded command (kinetic energy) and the passive partner (static Mass) obeys, by shouldering the original Power Load (momentum) and transporting it in a direction & velocity that is proportional to the relative powers of Dominant & Submissive agents. In this case,
the Load (or Charge) is not material stuff, but immaterial (mathematical) Information about the relative interrelationship. To view Causation in terms of Information Theory is a novel concept, but has been demonstrated experimentally.
Causal Force :
As we experience enough cases of a particular constant conjunction, our minds begin to pass a natural determination from cause to effect, adding a little more “oomph” to the prediction of the effect every time, a growing certitude that the effect will follow again. It is the internal impression of this “oomph” that gives rise to our idea of necessity,
Information transfer is the way information is turned into a code and transferred from one place to another.
https://www.generationgenius.com/inform ... -for-kids/
Energy transformation, also known as energy conversion, is the process of changing energy from one
form to another. In physics, energy is a quantity that provides the capacity to perform work or moving, or provides heat. ___Wikipedia
Information to Energy conversion :
We briefly review the first experimental demonstration of Maxwell's demon of Szilard's engine type that converts information to free energy.
EnFormAction :
the power to cause change of form, or motion
Form :
a pattern by which we recognize & define objects in the world.