TPF : Naturalism

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TPF : Naturalism

Post by Gnomon » Sat Feb 06, 2021 12:12 pm

After a few weeks I realize there is a big unknown across this forum... naturalism! — Raul

I suspect that most of the posters on this forum are aware of the philosophical position called "Naturalism". But, it's not very enlightening, because it's based on circular reasoning : everything in the natural world is natural . . . duh!.

The unstated & un-proveable assumption of Naturalism is that the physical universe is a closed system, with no inputs from outside our finite world. Unfortunately, the Big Bang theory implies that something, energy & laws at least, necessarily existed prior to the sudden appearance of space-time from some unknown & unknowable source. That's why a few Cosmologists have postulated an imaginary turtles-all-the-way-down natural series of Multiverses, to explain the provenance of our local Nature, and to take the place of traditional imaginary creator-gods.

My own personal worldview is a form of Naturalism, in that it accepts the theory of physical & biological Evolution, as far back as Science can track the cosmic expansion. But, like Multiverse proponents, I'm not content to leave the story of evolution open-ended at the beginning & end --- no overture or finale. The scientific method dictates that empirical Physics must stop at the point where material evidence fades away into nothingness (e.g. Planck Time). Fortunately, theoretical physicists and philosophers are not bound by Bacon's practical rules. So, we can speculate about the time before time, and the nature before Nature. Which is literally super-natural, whether it posits an eternal realm of redundant Multiverses, or an eternal realm of necessary Creative Force (energy) & Lawmaker (organizer).

Is philosophical naturalism circular reasoning? : ... -reasoning

Planck Time : Before a time classified as a Planck time, 10-43 seconds, all of the four fundamental forces are presumed to have been unified into one force. All matter, energy, space and time are presumed to have exploded outward from the original singularity. Nothing is known of this period. ... lanck.html

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