To Wayfarer :
It seems like your plan is to beat materialism in kind with a material notion of spirit, a consciousness that is essentially the antiquated form of spirit itself, as the divine inside a divine subject. It is the idea of Jesus Christ, the embodiment of the divine in human form. And this whole thing seems caught in this post-Christian paradigm. In it we are constantly avoiding a notion of spirit while still operating within it.
Or maybe this higher level consciousness rests in empty actuality. — kudos
↪Wayfarer can speak for himself. In my opinion, he is the wisest poster on this forum, and with the fewest blind-spots.
I don't know where you found the notion of "
a material notion of spirit" in his last post.
That may be due to a "blind spot" of your own, which interprets everything in the world based on belief in an unproven axiom : PanMaterialism. Which seems caught in a
post-Renaissance paradigm. Ironically, 20th century Quantum physics discovered a fundamental inter-connection between Mind and Matter*1. But the role (participation) of an observer's mind was quickly swept under the rug by the dominant class of classical (materialist) physicists.
Way did use the term "substance", but in the Aristotelian sense of
Ousia (being ; existence)*2. FWIW, I interpret Wayfarer's use of "substance" as more closely related to Platonic
Form (idea ; essence ; design ; concept)*2. Which is abhorrent to Materialists, who denigrate it as a spooky spirit or ghost :
a la The Ghost in the Machine. Materialists seem to have a blind spot for the ancient philosophical concept of
an immaterial general quality that makes an individual material thing (quanta) what it is.
elan vital referred, not to a ghost, but to an
organizing principle in nature. Since the Big Bang, Nature seems to have a
self-organizing power that Materialists take for granted, but are loathe to give it a name*3. In the biological sciences it is recognized as essential to evolutionary development, but they label it as "
spontaneous"*4 (
a chain of accidents tending toward complexity & integration?) to imply that an "
external stimulus" was
not necessary. Similarly, astrophysicists assume, as an unproven axiom,
that the Big Bang was a spontaneous or random event without precedence : pop goes the chaos, which evolves into a cosmos. And yet, some scientists ---
bothered by the something-from-nothing implication --- have postulated an imaginary "external stimulus" in the form of an eternal material Multiverse.
Is Scientific Materialism "Almost Certainly False"? :
According to the physicist John Wheeler, quantum mechanics implies that our observations of reality influence its unfolding. We live in a "participatory universe," Wheeler proposed, in which mind is as fundamental as matter. ... nly-false/
What is the difference between substance and essence in Aristotle? :
Essence is what makes a thing that particular thing. In other words, essence is what makes “that chair.” Substance is what makes a thing a general thing. In other words, substance is what makes “a chair.” ... c2b707c0d8
also called spontaneous order in the social sciences, is a process where some form of overall order arises from local interactions ..
Note --- Quantum physics is characterized by non-locality. Not divine intervention, but holistic inter-action.
Spontaneous :
performed or occurring as a result of a sudden inner impulse or inclination and without premeditation or external stimulus.