Phil Forum : Evolution & Freewill

A place for discussion of ideas presented in the BothAndBlog, or relevant to the Enformationism thesis.
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Re: Phil Forum : Evolution & Freewill

Post by Gnomon » Mon Dec 02, 2019 12:32 pm ... ent/358225

I’m not sure, but I think viruses are more successful in reproducing than us. But we would not regard them as intelligent. But then again it’s us ourselves defining intelligence. Not the most unbiased assessment. — Brett

That's why I limited my example to vertebrates. For sheer reproductive power, single cells that divide every few minutes don't need much intelligence to survive as a species. Ironically, as humans have expanded their mental power (not just intelligence) via science & education, they have tended to reproduce less often. Perhaps that's because the human mind is gaining more survival advantage from their memes, than from their genes.

Memetic Evolution :

PS__ world evolution has evolved from slow erratic Natural Selection to rapid targeted Cultural Selection.

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Re: Phil Forum : Evolution & Freewill

Post by Gnomon » Mon Dec 02, 2019 12:34 pm ... ent/358225

I as really alluding to the idea of whether intelligence is an advantage or mistake of evolution — Brett

The answer to that question depends on whether the "goal" of evolution is Quantitative (reproduction) or Qualitative (teleology). Atheists assume that evolution has no ultimate aim, hence it's only the raw numbers that count. If so, then the emergence of Intelligence is not necessarily a mistake, but merely a Spandrel. However, non-atheists may see signs of intention and qualitative progress in evolution. If that is the case, then Intelligence -- and perhaps freewill -- may be an essential function for the program of gradual improvement.

Spandrel :

Evolutionary Progress :

Progressophobia :

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