Tones, apparently you didn't read the OP, and responded only to some abbreviated second & third replies to assertions about Pi & circles & infinity. I would have to be an idiot to make the "claim" you pin on me above. Perhaps that prejudicial misunderstanding is why some posters are treating ↪invicta
as an idiot, or worse a woo-monger. I am not arguing with your mathematical acumen, just with your mis-interpretation of what is being said.
What I actually said was that his OP was not a scientific or mathematical assertion, but a philosophical "theory" for discussion. He was disagreeing with Aristotle's use of "infinite regression" as a reason for proposing a First Cause. Then, he offered an alternative metaphor of a snake eating its tail, raising the issue of whether a circle is an example of infinite regress, due to its association with the irrational never-ending number PI. He even asked if "anyone wanna trash this theory?". Would anyone in his right mind ask that of a mathematical fact?
I actually disagreed with his use of the Ouroboros metaphor. But when others began to make an issue of the PI/infinity concept, I simply pointed out that it was used in a metaphorical context, not as mathematical fact. So, get off his back. If you want to get technical, PI is indeed an infinite series of numbers*1, and a circle -- no beginning or end -- is sometimes used symbolically as a metaphor for infinity*2. Unfortunately, he continues to argue with Banno about interminable terms that have no bearing on the original post -- just digging himself deeper into the shallow end of philosophical debate.
*1. The approximate value of pi is calculated to be 3.14159265…. and is an infinite decimal number. Therefore, it can be concluded from the above explanation that pi is an irrational number. ... al-number/
*2. Why is infinity not represented by a circle?
Why is the infinity symbol not a circle? Because it was already being used by the number zero, the letter 'O,' the composition operation for functions, and the degree symbol, among other things. ... e-a-circle
Pi, spiral, symbol, math, infinity, irrational number :