Phil Forum : Creation by Paradox (Chaos)

A place for discussion of ideas presented in the BothAndBlog, or relevant to the Enformationism thesis.
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Phil Forum : Creation by Paradox (Chaos)

Post by Gnomon » Sun Nov 24, 2019 6:30 pm ... ion-of-god

gods conciousness was created by a paradox that allowed certain pieces of information to come together and form a sentient being. then god reorganized all the information to make the universe less chaotic. — Flupentixol

My Creation hypothesis is similar, except that G*D is Chaos : defined as Eternity/Infinity. Hence, with no space-time limits, all things are possible, including paradoxes. Rather than G*D being created from an un-caused Paradox (quantum fluctuation?), self-existent G*D created our paradoxical world from the randomness of Chaos.

An essential assumption of my thesis is that Eternity/Infinity, besides the potential for any possibility, includes the causal power of Entention. By that I mean, G*D has the power to Enform, to cause new Forms to emerge from Chaos. When applied to our real world, I call that "divine" power EnFormAction, which is experienced as mundane Energy.

Chaos :

G*D :

EnFormAction :

Entention :

Note : For Plato and Aristotle, Chaos was not just craziness, but infinite Potential, and perhaps the source of Ideal Forms. In modern terms, Chaos is a Dynamical System, which has intrinsic causal power.

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