Shouldn't we speak of the reasonable effectiveness of math?
I think all participants here know about the statement of the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics. Shouldn't we, rather, speak of it's reasonable effectiveness? I can't see nothing unreasonable about it and can't even imagine how else it could be. — Landoma1
I'm guessing that Wigner's use of "unreasonable" was ironic or tongue-in-cheek. In view of the randomness & uncertainty of its Quantum foundation, it is perhaps surprising that on the Macro level of reality, its structure & processes are predictable & consistent. In other words, there is an underlying logic to the order of reality. And mathematics is simply an abstract form of Logic.
Moreover, Logic is essential to the extraction of meaningful information by humans (Reason). Some might say that Human Logic & Natural Logic both result from the Natural Laws that caused the Big Bang to self-organize into the smoothly functioning mechanism we see today. That orderly structure of interrelationships is what allows human mathematics (logical inference) to be both Reasonable and Effective. But why should a random & accidental "explosion" (expansion) of something from almost nothing turn out to be lawful (orderly & organized)? Perhaps Wigner saw signs of design in the world, but chose to comment on it equivocally, for professional reasons.