Because quantum fields are Fundamental. — PoeticUniverse
Yes. They are fundamental because they are mathematical, and consist of non-dimensional Information instead of 4D space-time. Physicists know that their mathematical models of "fields" and "virtual particles" are not real, but for simplification, they treat them as-if they are. But that reverse-abstraction could lead to a confusion between Physical (terrain) and Phenomenal (map).
Dialogs, that hinge on definitions, often get cross-ways because of our language, which doesn't necessary distinguish between real references and metaphorical allusions. Theoretical (mathematical) physicists tend to be more poetic in their language than empirical physicists. That's because the ideal (abstract) objects of their study are invisible, and hard to describe, except by analogy to real (concrete) things that are visible and tangible.
Unfortunately, some non-physicists may treat their imaginary grids & zero-dimensional points as-if they are real things out there in space. That's OK as long as they are communicating with mathematicians. But others may take them literally, instead of poetically.
Reification Fallacy :
Reification (also known as concretism, hypostatization, or the fallacy of misplaced concreteness) is a fallacy of ambiguity, when an abstraction (abstract belief or hypothetical construct) is treated as if it were a concrete real event or physical entity.
Poetic Metaphor :
Metaphor: compares two things directly without using “like” or “as”; the subject IS the object.
Note -- in 80's slang, the "as-if" retort means "no way"!
Is ‘Information’ Fundamental for a Scientific Theory of Consciousness? :
we are led to the exciting proposition of David Chalmers’ ‘double-aspect information’ as a bridge between physical and phenomenal aspects of reality. ... -5777-9_21
The words physical and phenomenal are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, physical applies to what is perceived directly by the senses and may contrast with mental, spiritual, or imaginary.
A point is a 0-dimensional mathematical object
1."Fields are mathematical constructs only. They suggest the interactions of forces, as in gravitation and magnetism. However, far from being forces, gravitation and magnetic effects are interactions."
2."Fields are mathematical constructs only. They are not physical. They are not real." ... omposed-of