Alternative BothAnd coinages

A place for discussion of ideas presented in the BothAndBlog, or relevant to the Enformationism thesis.
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Alternative BothAnd coinages

Post by Gnomon » Mon Feb 12, 2018 5:49 pm

In my isolated little world, I often coin new words or phrases for specific contexts, that I later discover are already in circulation for other contexts. A quick Google search found several different applications for BothAnd :

What is Both/And? A type of logic used in decision making that allows for a greater variety and scope of outcomes than a rigid either/or decision making process. This approach is useful when comparing two or more possible tracks or outcomes in a real world setting.
Read more: ... h-and.html

The objective of "BothAnd" is to shift the national conversation from destructive debate to creative problem-solving by demonstrating new forms of constructive interaction. The goal is to replace "either/or" with "BothAnd" thinking as a more productive approach to divisive public issues.

I even found another Both/And blog :
The both/and blog is a collaboration between a few friends who want to connect the lived experience of Christianity to the realities we face in the day-to-day trenches of life in the modern world.

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