Christina Munns : Deist or New Ager?

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Christina Munns : Deist or New Ager?

Post by BAblogger » Thu Jan 18, 2018 12:46 pm

I just noticed a post on Quora forum by the Australian homeopath & astrologer, Christina Munns, who has developed her own Unified Field Theory (in 7 volumes!) to show that immaterial Consciousness is the fundamental “substance” of the real world. I haven't read any of that magnum opus, but judging from the Amazon summary, it seems to interpret Quantum Field science in a manner similar to my own Alternative Theory of Reality : Enformationism. If it weren't for her association with mystical pseudo-sciences, that are foreign to my naturalistic worldview, I might use her work as a reference in my blog, and to support the unscientific notion of a mind-field deity.

The books are very expensive, so I'm not likely to just casually check'em out. Is anyone out there familiar with Munns and her off-the-wall ideas? Who has "validated" her theory? As far as I can tell from a Google search, mainstream scientists seem to be ignoring her "new genre of science". If this is a con, it's right down my alley. But I'm skeptical of such extreme confidence about an abstruse & esoteric topic. So who is the crackpot here, the out-of-his-depth Architect, or the "gifted" Astrologer? ... B0047YP7TE
I have a gift for physics and have written a valid Unified Field Theory in a series of seven volumes called Principia Unitas that was completed in June 2013. The texts are written in an easy to understand style even though they are very detailed. Unified Field Theory is based on the understanding that the universe arises from the state of Pure Consciousness which from a spiritual perspective is called God and many other names - Shiva/Brahman/The Self/The Word. This whole new genre of science is called "True Science" because it is based on the truth of ancient science and philosophy.
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