Unlike most forms of written correspondence, a blog does not become an instant fossil, fixing ideas & opinions at a single point in time. Instead, it allows for feedback loops that keep it alive & growing for a while longer. This forum is one source of critical reciprocation, and the continuing-education of life experience is another.
Perhaps in response to the recent power-surge of the Alt-right in the wake of a twittering US president, a novel meme has emerged from popular culture. It alludes to the Matrix theme of an either-or, Red-Pill-or-Blue-Pill dichotomy. "Red-pilling" describes the attitude of right-wingers to the perceived & despised immigrant-&-tree-hugging idealism of the political left. It may also be a get-real reaction to the identity-politics and Postmodern-neo-Marxism of 21st century academia. Not surprisingly, my own apathetic position is somewhere in the line of cross-fire.
A red-piller cares more for hard facts than mushy feelings. Since this tough-minded political posture is one of the antithetical worldviews referred to in the thematic metaphor of the BothAnd blog, I may add a note to the Introduction, or even a whole new post. The BA temperament will seek a stable middle course between the incendiary poles of left- &-right-wing politics. If you are now on the edge of your seat, stay tuned, this clash of ideologies will only burn hotter before it dies down.
Red-pilling : choosing Knowledge, Freedom, Adversity, and Brutal Truth of Reality over Fake News, Security, Happiness, and the Blissful Ignorance of Illusion.
Red Pilling
Red Pilling
I blog therefore I am
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