Quora Introversion

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Quora Introversion

Post by Gnomon » Mon May 20, 2019 8:38 pm

https://www.quora.com/Is-introversion-b ... d-physical
by John Earwood

Is Introversion both mental and physical?

This question occurred to me because I have long noticed some similarities between the peculiar behaviors of high-function autistic people and my own introversion*. In my case, it's not just a mental thing, but seems to have physical parallels. For example, item 4 below describes my over-sensitivity to stimuli such as smell and taste. I am a "super-taster", detecting bitterness at levels below the threshold of most people. This may be related to the “SPD” (Sensory Processing Disorder) of those labeled as ADHD and Autistic. Such quirks are called "neurophysiological", because they have both neural and physical etiologies.

Since introversion is supposedly caused by over-sensitivity to environmental stimuli – such as chaotic clamorous parties -- introverts may be thin-skinned, both literally and figuratively. Is it just me, or are the physical correlates of introversion common?

* Note : I'm not on the autism spectrum, but I'm definitely on the hypersensitive side of the Extroversion-Ambiversion-Introversion spectrum. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking - Wikipedia

Related question :

Is Asperger's an extreme case of Introversion?

Quora reply to :

What is a person with Asperger syndrome like?


3. Anti Social Behaviour: Not anti social in the criminal sense but anti social as in, the person will prefer to stay at home, research their favourite topic, or play video games that go out with friends and family.

4. Fussy Eating: Being picky at eating can be a use tell tail sign that a person is autistic. Fussy eating comes from a Sensory Processing Disorder or (SPD), where a person who is autistic may be under or over sensitive to certain textures, smells and temperatures of foods.

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