TPF : Poetic Philosophy

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TPF : Poetic Philosophy

Post by Gnomon » Sun Apr 02, 2023 10:44 am ... ent/794763

I just watched a YouTube video (see below) that I think is well-worth watching. The video (at about 25:00) mentions Bunge’s ten criticisms of philosophy, which are as follows.
1. Tenure-Chasing Supplants Substantive Contributions
2. Confusion between Philosophizing & Chronicling
3. Insular Obscurity / Inaccessibility
4. Obsession with Language vs. Solving Real-World Problems
5. Idealism vs Realism and Reductionism
6. Too Many Mini Problems & Fashionable Academic Games
7. Poor Enforcement of Validity / Methodology
8. Unsystematic (vs. System Building & Worldview Coherent)
9. Detachment from Intellectual Engines of Modern Civilization
10. Ivory Tower Syndrome

Bunge’s ten criticisms of philosophy, — Art48

I too have been disappointed with much of Modern Philosophical Posturing, as compared to Ancient Wisdom Seeking. Especially the linguistic nit-picking of Postmodern academia. Fortunately for me, I have no formal training in philosophy, except for Logic, as a math requirement. Regarding the "intellectual engines of modern civilization", most of my amateur philosophizing is based on the paradoxes dug-up by scientists on the cutting-edge of understanding, such as Quantum & Information theories.

In the Feb/Mar 23 issue of Philosophy Now magazine, Massimo Pigliucci "considers the usefulness of philosophy". As opposed to the study of "esoteric matters", he proposes that Philosophy should be "the study and practice of the art of living". "Science", as the name implies is in the business of obtaining practical knowledge from the real (material) world. But "Philosophy" is more like "Art", as an expression of ideas & impressions about the ideal (mental) world. Of course, the art of philosophy is supposed to be disciplined enough to sort-out the useful (meaningful) wheat from the useless (trivial) chaff. :smile:

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