TPF : Super-Determinism

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TPF : Super-Determinism

Post by Gnomon » Sun Aug 07, 2022 6:07 pm

Bell said in a BBC interview in 1985 that the puzzle of nonlocality vanishes if you assume that “the world is superdeterministic, with not just inanimate nature running on behind-the-scenes clockwork, but with our behavior, including our belief that we are free to choose to do one experiment rather than another, absolutely predetermined.” — John Horgan, SciAm_Opinion

I just read, in Stephen Nadler's A Book Forged in Hell, about Spinoza's concept of divine determinism, as evidenced by reliable (consistent ; unvarying) natural laws. "Spinoza's cosmos is, in other words, a strictly deterministic, even necessitarian one. Everything, without exception, is causally determined to be such as it is . . . " To me, that sounds like "superdeterminism", or perhaps super-natural-determinism. But since Spinoza's day, empirical Science has found that, ironically, on the most fundamental scale, nature seems to be random & acausal*1. Fortunately, on the macro level of reality, the aimless vectors of quantum chaos cancel-out to present the superficial appearance of an unbroken chain of cause & effect*2. Which allows us to predict future events, at least statistically & locally.

So, the universe appears to unfold in an orderly manner, but with some room for creative disorder. If so, the "behind-the scenes clock" may not be absolutely deterministic, but occasionally skips a beat, -- allowing for the obvious creativity of Evolution. If Change was rigidly regular, nothing new (random mutations) would ever emerge from the chaotic swirling of atoms. In fact, the result of haphazard mutation & systematic selection is the syncopated rhythm of reality. This emergent order from random events permits us to depend on stable locality at the human eye-level, even though the underlying quantum field is non-local.

Hence, the symphony of nature has many parts. In the quantum section, causality is randomized, allowing for jazz-like free-style within the limits of Probability. Meanwhile, the macro instruments follow the causal conductor to play a harmonious melody, that appeals to our sense of order. Translated into philosophical jargon, such freedom within determinism is "compatible". Such flexibility is the only way to have both determined Destiny, and freedom of choice, resulting in Order within Chaos*3. As an example, imagine mountain climbers planning to ascend to the top of Mt. Everest, The ultimate goal is predetermined as the highest point. But there are many alternative paths to the top, hence options to choose from. The end of the world may be determined, but there are many ways to get there. :smile:

*1. Acausal :
Albert Einstein, also a founder of quantum physics, strenuously objected to the notion of acausality in the theory. He famously argued that “God does not play dice.” Einstein felt that if something in the universe appears to act randomly, it’s only because our understanding of it is not deep enough. He felt that there is always a cause.
Note -- Einstein's "God" is the First & Final Cause, but in-between there is freedom of choice for sentient & rational agents

*2. Quantum Mischief Rewrites the Laws of Cause and Effect :
Spurred on by quantum experiments that scramble the ordering of causes and their effects, some physicists are figuring out how to abandon causality altogether. ... -20210311/

*3. The Order in Chaos Theory :
Freud believed that human experiences emerge from past experiences based on linear cause and effect. The Chaos Theory negates this belief as it dictates that nature is created out of a sum of many tiny pulsating objects that we now know as patterns. . . . This is justified by the Uncertainty Principle, which rejects accuracy in all its form. This is the reason why systems are called complex because they are unsolvable by either the human mind or any super computer. ... 2e2d67154a

Freedom within Determinism :


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