Is mind non spatial
I realize physicalist believe the mind is caused/emerges from matter but do they believe the mind is non spatial. İf yes than how is that monism ? there are still 2 “substances”. The only main difference is that spatial matter(brain) is primary and the non spatial mind(mental states) is secondary. — Quickquestion1233457
As a model for philosophical analysis, I would compare spatial Matter with non-spatial Energy. The current understanding of Energy is that it is an all-pervasive mathematical, immaterial, field of Potential. Only, when it is condensed into a material form can we say that Energy is embodied. Likewise, if Mind is like a field, our senses could only interact with it in some material form. So I would say that the Brain is the embodied form of Mind. Also, the field of energy Potential is not real until the virtual photons are actualized into real photons that our eyes can detect, in the form of a chemical change in the material Visual Purple. So, in Einstein's equation of E = MC^2, each side is a different "substance" in the sense that one is Real (material) and the other is Ideal (mind).
To be clear, there are no virtual photons cruising around in 3D space. Instead, they are virtual figments of scientists' imagination as the massless matter we call photons-on-the-move. Only when they come to a halt do photons have a "rest mass", as they convert into material structure. Energy is a "substance, only in the definition of Aristotle : the logical (Potential) Form of a thing. And Matter is a different "form" of the same potential "substance", which exists in the commonsense "form" of ordinary sensible stuff. Potential only exists in the mind, including the potential Voltage of a battery that is not connected into a material circuit.. The meaningful difference between the two substances is that one is exists as non-spatial Potentiality (imaginary), and the other as spatial Actuality (sensible stuff).
So, to answer your implicit question : No, there is no Actual Mind out there in space, thinking cosmic thoughts. Of course, there may be Potential Mind out there as a field of Universal Logic, that could be parceled-out into embodied particles of Mind. But, we'll never know for sure, except in our non-space-bound imagination. :joke:
Massless Particles of Pure Energy :
Since photons (particles of light) have no mass, they must obey E = pc and therefore get all of their energy from their momentum. ... Therefore, if an object with no mass is to physically exist, it can never be at rest. Such is the case with light. ... ut-energy/
Note -- when light particles are on the move, at light speed, they are only Potential Energy. Yet, when that Energetic Potential comes to a rest, it converts into Actual Matter, and we call that conversion "Energy". This is my personal interpretation of the paradoxical relativity theories.
Voltage is the electromotive force, or the electric tension. Potential difference is a measure of stored energy of any form. ... nd-voltage
TPF : Mind is Non-Spatial
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