How does "intellect come from matter"? Do you know what process or "force" could cause inert matter to evolve into a living thinking being? Based on Information Theory and Quantum Theory, I suggest that mind did indeed emerge from material substrates, and I propose a "mechanism" for that Phase Transition. But I don't think that mental noumena could emerge from mindless matter (phenomena), unless that matter had been enformed with the potential for mind. Since I'm neither a scientist nor an academic philosopher though, you don't have to take my word for it. You can investigate the thesis, and judge for yourself whether it sounds plausible that Enformation is a causal process & force in the real world. And "It's limited to phenomena which we know".
To say that Information is "less than material" is a negative comparison of two different categories of reality. It's like saying that your mind is "less than" a pile of sand. You might better understand the concept underlying Enformationism, if you would compare Information with Energy instead of Matter. The analogy I prefer is to say that Matter is the "clay", and Information is the "Sculptor", who transforms the amorphous mud into a meaningful image. Did that 3 dimensional form originate from the clay or from ideas (information) in the mind of the enformer (sculptor)? Michaelangelo famously quipped, "I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free". Did he really "see" the angel in the rock, or in his imagination (information)?
You seem to be confusing the "phenomena we know" (objective matter) with the subjective knowledge of that stuff in the mind. When I say that the mundane information in real world minds originated in a Mind that is literally out-of-this-world, what do you imagine I'm referring to : 5th dimensional aliens, the infinite Multiverse, or the Jehovah of Genesis? Actually, none of the above. But you'd have to investigate the whole thesis, not just a few words in a post, in order to see what I'm saying. Til then, you don't "understand me correctly".
Causal Information : Energy is the relationship between information regimes. That is, energy is manifested, at any level, between structures, processes and systems of information in all of its forms, and all entities in this universe is composed of information ... in-physics
Introduction to Enformationism :
Abstract concept (information)
transformed into concrete object