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7. Anomaly :
•  something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.
•   One that is peculiar, irregular,
abnormal, or difficult to classify.

8, Wave-Particle Duality :
The concept of wave-particle duality ascribes two seemingly contradictory traits to a single object.”

9. The BothAnd Philosophy :
it includes the principles of Complementarity, Reciprocity, and Holism

10.  Is Math Metaphysical? :
Math is not physical (composed of matter/energy), though all physical things seem to conform to it.

11. Metaphor :
A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn't literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison.”

  Post 119.  November 29, 2021 continued . . .

  What is Meta-Physics?

   Metaphysics is a Metaphor

Many of the problems addressed by modern philosophers and metaphysicians arise from anomalies7 in physical science. Perhaps a majority of professional and amateur wisdom-seekers base their worldviews on the latest models of reality produced by pragmatic scientists, practicing the reductive & analytical methods of empirical disciplines. Hence, any ideas that are not verifiable or falsifiable are irrelevant to the mission of manipulating the real world for the benefit of mankind. Unfortunately, that eliminative perspective omits most of what has been traditionally of interest to theoretical scientists, whose experiments are mathematical. For example, early Quantum researchers found evidence that Photons, assumed to be waves in an electromagnetic field, acted as-if they were inde-pendent particles in some setups, and as wave phenomena in other configurations. They called that anomaly : “wave-particle duality”8. So, they began to think in terms of mathematical Wave-Functions instead of physical Particles, and continuous Fields instead of dis-continuous Photons. Undeterred by the counterintuitive logical contradiction, they adjusted their paradigm to fit the evidence, since that seemed to be how Nature works on it’s most fundamental level.

I too, have been forced to accept that Nature doesn’t always conform to our intuitive sense of Classical Reality. But I am able to reconcile the apparent contradiction, by taking a BothAnd9 view of the world. Since the quantum foundation of reality behaves as both a Field and as a Particle, I label the first as Meta-Physical (mental ; mathematical10) and the latter as Physical (material ; atomic). Both sides of the Coin are Real, but one is also Ideal. I assume that your own subjective Ideas are real to you, even though you can only convey them to other minds as metaphors11 analogous to material objects. You may not think of your figures-of-speech as Meta-Physical, but if they were physical, you could give them to someone else in a beribboned box. With that duality in mind, can you accept that a Meta-Physical concept is not contradictory to a Physical object, but merely complementary? If so, you will understand that a Gravity Field is not a literal grid in space, but instead a meta-physical metaphor analogous to a grid of lines on paper.

The long-running forum thread that led to this blog post was a continuation of a philosophical failure to communicate. That’s because some thinkers are assuming that the word “meta-physics” refers to the Theological definition (gods & ghosts) that is standard in most dictionaries. But some philosophers have in mind the topical subjects in Aristotle’s encyclopedia of the state of Natural Science in the fourth century BC. A lot has changed since then, and few people today refer to Aristotle for authoritative information on Physical Nature. However, most philosophers still hark back to Ari as the authority on Meta-Physical Reality. He and Plato literally wrote the book on the fundamentals of human knowledge. Most of philosophy since then has been “footnotes to Plato” (A.N. Whitehead), and afterthoughts on Aristotle. His book included meta-physical topics (human ideas about nature) under the single heading of Physis (gk Nature). Yet, we could now label his two volumes as Physical Science and Theoretical Philosophy. Philosophy is mostly about Meta-Physics : ideas, not objects.

                               End of Post 119

Quotes from Forum :

•  Physics is the study of the concrete world we call “Reality”. Metaphysics is the study of abstract human ideas about the world. ___Gnomon

•  Unfortunately, Post-Enlightenment Science staked a claim on all empirically verifiable questions (just the facts, no feelings *2), and left-over for Philosophy only the perennial probability questions that have more-or-less-likely answers.

•  That's why I have suggested going back beyond (meta-) Christian Theology to see what non-religious concept Aristotle was actually talking about. As you noted, it certainly wasn't about anything supernatural or spooky, but about making a philosophical distinction between Qualia & Quanta, between Potential & Actual, and betwixt Cause & Effect.

•  “Well metaphysics is ANY claim that makes hypotheses beyond our current knowledge”. Nickolasgaspar

•  “Today we identify such "transcendent" type of metaphysics as pseudo philosophy when our new data do not offer evidence for such hypotheses.” — Nickolasgaspar

A metaphorical meta-physical field of gravity


All men by nature desire to know. An indication of this is the delight we take in our senses; for even apart from their usefulness they are loved for themselves; and above all others the sense of sight. ― Aristotle, Metaphysics

PS__ rational inference is our meta-sense




“I don't believe your understanding that all mental phenomena are considered metaphysical is consistent with any generally accepted definition of the word”.

 — T Clark

 Transcendent Questions
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