Philosophical musings on Quanta & Qualia; Materialism & Spiritualism; Science & Religion; Pragmatism & Idealism, etc.
Infinite Egg-
Nothing in Nature
is infinite,
so anything infinite
is super-
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Post 72. January 29, 2019 continued . . .
Multiverse versus First Cause
Infinite Egg-
On the other hand, the Cosmic Soul explanation is more like a purposeful person, generally known as "God" – which may be envisioned as a super-
Like most primitive deities, the God of Genesis created his world from the top-
The hypothetical G*D of Enformationism creates like a programmer, from the bottom-
However, we now know that natural evolution is glacially slow, and that perfection is in the eye of the beholder. So humans have decided to create their own Utopias, rather than wait for the promised Garden of Eden. For us, the future is unpredictable. But for the Programmer, the final output is never in question – it’s predefined mathematically – only the precise path to the specified goal is unknown. So even the author of our little farce may be entertained by the dramatic twists and curves of the emerging storyline. Yet again, attributing11 human-
The difference between First Cause and Multiverse theories is primarily that of Whole versus Parts. Reductive thinkers imagine the source of all things as a collection of pieces, while Holistic thinkers envision the lot as a single entity. The particles are real tangible things, while the ensemble is merely an idea. Yet concepts can be causes. Moreover, the G*D hypothesis is grounded on Mind & Meaning, instead of Energy & Matter. So it explains the emergence of Life & Mind more directly, and with fewer unproven assumptions.
End of Post 72
7. Magic :
Any amazing effect with an unknown cause, which may be envisioned as supernatural, or as staged deception, or as merely advanced technology.
8. Chosen Ones : History shows that the chosen ones can almost become extinct overnight (e.g. holocaust). Not by natural selection, but by cultural extermination.
9. Steps in programming :
a. Define the problem
b. Plan a solution
c. Code the program
d. Execute the program
We can only guess at the problem that motivated the deity to “need” a physical world – perhaps even deities need to propagate. In that case, our world is essentially an embryo developing into deity. So evolution might be the plan for reproduction.
Hence, a program for evolution of something from nothing was encoded into a Singularity and actuated in a sudden succession of changes. The rest is, as they say, history : the document-
The solution or output of the program will be a replica of the Programmer, as in deChardin’s Omega Point. If so, then the chicken is the solution to an egg’s problem of purpose. Unlike magic, a program starts with a question and works its way up to an answer.
Eternity has no beginning or end just BEING
10. God’s Pets :
Typical religious world-
From the BothAnd perspective, such robotic rules are tools of tyrannical human rulers, who pretend that they reflect the will of gods. The natural world is hierarchical (food chain), and some animals practice slavery (ants & aphids). But humans have the ability to resist enslavement, if they so choose. Yet political power and religious faith rob them of that right.
Mutual submission is necessary for social harmony. But top-
G*D seems to rule the world from the bottom-
11. Attribution Theory :
We tend to understand the behavior of others by attributing feelings, beliefs, and intentions to them.
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Attribution Theory
All religions, philosophies and sciences agree that there is universal cosmic law (Tao, Dharma, Commandments, Physics, etc). But they disagree on the details & doings, resulting in a variety of sects & schools. That’s why philosophical Deists focus more on the Orderliness than on the Orders. Since our knowledge of cosmology is limited and incomplete, it is arrogant to pontificate upon the will of the unknown god behind the world’s organization. If the “thus saith the Lord” of one tradition conflicts with the “it is written” of another, we may be confident that one or both is wrong. So, the wiser course is to follow the broad general paths they all agree on, instead of the narrow specific trails that lead who knows where : Dharma instead of Dogma.
Where there is law & order in an otherwise unruly world, there must be a lawgiver. We can debate whether physical laws imply a physical origin (eternal Multiverse) or a metaphysical source (eternal Mind. So, maybe we should use the term most appropriate for each application. Physical scientists can assume that our current laws of Nature are self-